View Full Version : sick

27-09-05, 21:52
hi hope ur all ok

iv been feelin really sickly since this morning and its really starting to worry me ,i waz just wonderin if n e body else gets this ,also i feel so embaressed sayin this but ,iv started to want sex alot just latly i dont no wats rong with me ,duz n e body no if this is normal or weird

thanx xxxx

28-09-05, 20:53
hi hannah

i think the sick feeling is all part of panic attacks but im not sure sum1 here will b able to help you on that.

but the sex part can be also part of panic cos i sumtimes get as though i want more and sumtimes i go completely off sex after a panic attack so i wouldnt worry about that

all the best


There is light at the end of the tunnel its just fiding it thats the hard part