View Full Version : i dont know what is wrong please help :(

31-07-09, 12:25
i used to suffer from depression but ive stopped taking citalopram because im over it *YEY* but now,something else has started,its been going on a while but i thought it would pass...

its like im affraid to eat,i think its going to harm me or give me food poisoning,its gettin quite bad im throwing it back up when i eat,sometimes i dont though thats the thing its puzzling,if i dont look at the food i can eat it witch is weird,i dunno what is wrong with me is my brain telling me not to eat the food and when i do to be sick? i mean im not doing this to loose weight,im 21,5"8,9stone,and another thing i think i have OCD say if theres a line on the floor i have to go over it with my left foot nd if it doesnt go right,i have to do it again,and i do it with my stairs aswell,and with doors,and with food if i open it wrong i need to open something new to eat coz my brain is saying dont eat it it will harm you in some way...

can anybody help,ideas,suggestions?

freudian nightmare
31-07-09, 16:08
Have you spoken to your dr about your concerns? I don't know much about ocd but it sounds like it might be something like that but i'm no expert so speak to your dr. You need to address whatever it is though cos it's obviously affecting your daily life. I hope you start to feel a bit better soon, take care and best wishes. x