View Full Version : Advice for a teenager?

27-09-05, 22:08
Hello everyone

One of my students at school is having panic attacks and is finding it difficult to cope. Does anyone know of any good online resources suitable for teenagers that I could point her in the direction of/print things from for her? She's 14.

Thanks! :)

B x

27-09-05, 23:01
hi there
MIND do a good range of self help booklets including ones for anxiety and panic attacks, they can be ordered from their website or viewed on the website as well: http://www.mind.org.uk/Information/Factsheets/

i guess one of the main things that will help her is support from teachers and knowing that she can 'escape' a class if she needs to. Im a uni student and find that being in the lecture theatre is a big trigger as i know that i cant leave if i need to. The reassurance that she can leave a lesson if she needs to may mean that she's less anxious about attending classes and therefore doesnt feel the need to leave. Working out escape plans like this relieves anxiety so even if they are never used they are still a great help.

Good luck with it, its nice to see a teacher be so understanding!


27-09-05, 23:25
I think this website would be good, I've been taking them from I was 14 so she could pm me if she wants to chat. Tell her that although it's difficult to try and work thru the attacks and try to keep herself socially active. Has she been to a doc or is there a counsellor at the school who shecould talk to or could her doc refer her and try to solve the problem while she's still young? pm me if you wanna chat some more or tell your student she can pm me anytime cos I know what she's going thru.

"You die if you worry and you die if you don't"

28-09-05, 01:05
im 15 and i have them sort of often and my mom has done well to just hug me and tell me everything will be OKAY. that's all i really look for when i am panicky...i need someone calm and supporting around. that's nice that u help ur daughter.
Love ya, Amanda

Sue K with 5
28-09-05, 01:21

What a wonderful teacher, god I wish I had the help and resources at 14.

I dont know which area you are in but Mind or even the childrens mental health team have some very supportive groups or one to one councelling!

NMP can also help her in many ways, either in the form of one to one chat or just by reading the links to the site, which can encourage her to do deep breathing and other forms of relaxation techniques, She needs to know she has support and the right kind of advise in order for her to move forward and work towards improving how she copes or getting rid of them full stop!

Show her this site and I am sure the administrators can guide her in the right direction

Good luck and well done for being such a supportive and constructive friend and teacher

Good luck and if she ever needs to talk one to one please ask her to PM me

Sue with 5


28-09-05, 17:36
Brilliant, thank you all very much for your help and advice. I'm going to recommend this site to her, and will pass on your offers of support, it's really, really kind of you all. I had a look on the web last night, and really couldn't find much in the way of easily understandable info suitable for teenagers having panic attacks, so I'm sure she'll appreciate this board and the info. I'm hoping to be able to catch up with her tomorrow to talk things through.

Thanks again, B x

28-09-05, 18:27
We have had quite a few teenagers pass through here over the last couple of years and its been good experiences for them.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

28-09-05, 21:37
if ur daughter needs neone .....like to relate to, im 15...my address is amandaarbaugh@yahoo.com . i know i needed someone my age to relate to. still do.thankx!

29-09-05, 18:31
I came here as a teenager and found this site the best thing to ever happen to me i searched over 4 yrs on the internet and found things like the lindon method which i tried and wouldnt recomened. I found no other site out there that offered this much advice and support with ppl which are going through the same thing or have been through it and are offering personal advice.
Which makes it special to no there is help and others out there that are going through the same thing.
I found the chat room really good as you get to open up and also have fun and have a laugh when u need to relax.
Take care