View Full Version : awful day

31-07-09, 13:25
Sorry to maon but im having a awful day. Had to take my 19 year old son to gp as he has got ocd/anxiety symptoms and gp is going to refer him for cbt.
My mum was horrible too me again today nothing new there.
To top it all my husband said to me are you getting me a card for our wedding aniversary because he hasnt got me one yet and if i am he better go and get one. I feel so low and tearful dont seem to be coping and still too scared to take meds g.p gave me months ago

31-07-09, 14:05
Not suprising your feeling low Den :hugs: Its always a worry with children no matter how old they are .You dont sound like you have any support at home either and that certainly wont help you . I can understand the reluctance to take your pills ,but they will get you back to a place where you will cope better .Try not to worry about your son too much ,at least hes getting the help he needs .You need to look after yourself now and try not to take your husbands remarks too much to heart ,Men can be insensitive sometimes Grrh .Take care Hope your day improves Hugs Sue:bighug1: xx

31-07-09, 15:10
Hi there,
I have just joined this forum as of today and already feeling hopeful.Just wanted to share this with you.
I dont have alot of support around me either, but all you can do is the best you can do.Take it each day at a time..My parents are my source of anxiety mainly, so i have to stay clear of them for awhile..I have developed awful anxiety and social anxiety, even to the point of agoraphobia, but i'm hopeful.. i will get past it again..
I literally just started taking my first anti-depressant again last night, and feeling drowsy and a little dizzy, but i know this will subside the longer i take them..I asked the doctor if i could start by taking half the pill, and then move onto a whole, as i was very nervous about taking an anti-depressant again.Maybe you can do that too, and then you can chat to supportive people on here, about how you are feeling..Congratulate yourself everytime you achieve something, it is very important..Even if it is minor!
All the best :hugs:

31-07-09, 15:35
Thankyou for replies
I know i have to keep telling myself its just a off day. I thought i had crcked it at the begining of the week but every time i seem to be getting somewhere something or someone seems to bite me in my bum ( lol ) and then down i go with a massive bump bit i know everyone on here has been there or stiil there

31-07-09, 23:28
That's it with us - we seem to be going ok and then BOOM we're back down low again!!!!! As they say though - the only way is up so hopefully the good days are just around the corner.

My husband, who is very supportive, one Christmas took me to our back door. We had just had the garden landscapped and he pointed to the middle and said "From there to the hedge is your Christmas present" and so I replied "And from the middle to the far hedge is yours!!!" This was 5 years ago and neither of us expects Christmas presents and it's much better.

What meds did the dr give you? Has your son been unwell for long? Has he always had OCD?

PM me anytime you want to sound off. I'm also married with 2 teenagers & 2 younger kids!!!!

Take care & good luck with your decision
