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View Full Version : Doctors Just Don't get it...........

27-09-05, 22:35
Not sure if this should go in this forum but it will depress me putting it anywhere else.

Just had a visit to the doctor who over the last three months has given me no support at all. He asked me about my anxiety and asked if i was overbreathing? that was it.

He said I should continue my medication (Effexor 75mg). I have also been waiting 3 months for a referral to a CPN which surprise, surprise hasn't materialised. I'm moving house within the next month which means another doctor and possibly a 3 month wait for another referral.

Looks like I'm gonna have to the do this on my own then............[B)]

Is it any wonder people who suffer nervous illness are so bewildered? We seem to know more than the GP's.

27-09-05, 22:46
I think Dr are to busy looking for the hard answer's to see that to answer is as simple as anxiety not that anxiety is simple to the people who deal with on any level.

I'm not sure what a CPN if you can explain that to me i really would like to know.

thank you and I hope you get your refurral soon I know how difficult it is to get dr to really listen to a person need's.

Good luck

30-09-05, 20:44
sorry for the long delay in replying

A CPN is a Community Psychiatric Nurse.

I've got to have a blood test in 2 weeks to rule out a overactive Thyroid gland. I've got mixed feelings about to be honest. I'm sorta hoping I do have one, that will cut down half the effort on my behalf.

06-10-05, 13:48
Sorry to drag this post up again.

I've just phoned the Local Mental Health team and asked what happened to my referral. Turns out they have'nt even received one. I'm so annoyed. When I move no doubt I'll have to sit around and wait for another. I kept checking with my doctor and he said theyve sent it.

Part of me feels proud that I'm doing it by myself and the other let down that I've got no support.

Don't know what to do.

06-10-05, 13:52
Maybe your new doctors will be a lot quicker with referals ect. I was refered by my doc and i heard back within a few weeks and was on a CBT course within a month. It is different for different areas i think, all depends on the waiting lists.
take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwitten'