View Full Version : Anyone tried acupuncture?

31-07-09, 17:15
Hi people,

I just wondered if anyone here has tried acupuncture for anxiety/depression.

I had acupuncture yesterday, for both anxiety and physical pain due to my disability. I had been feeling horrible with derealisation but I feel much better today. I can't put it down to anything else so it probably is the acupuncture.

Just wondering if anyone else has tried it and what effect it had.

31-07-09, 18:29
I had a course last year.It did make me feel less anxious but didnt last longer than a day at a time .it did help my mood a bit though. As soon as I stopped it was as bad as ever though. I do know people that have had it for pain and it really helped them . Hope it works for you . Sue x

01-08-09, 16:19
I also know someone who has tried it and said it helped but in terms of long term effectiveness I am not sure. I am trying hypnotherapy for this and will let you know how it goes.

magpie girl
01-08-09, 16:46
ive had it for my spine and legs and it really did work but only for the time i was in treatment,as soon as the treatment stopped the pain was back,the same with anxiety.

01-08-09, 18:53
Hi, I am having this for my facial pain, have had 10 weeks so far and I have to say it isn't making a difference :( I think with all these things, some things work for some people, and others for others, like with medication too. No one size fits all! Good Luck with it, I hope you have some success!