28-09-05, 01:54
Do any of you suffer from whatever WIERD symptom you seem to have from Anxiety (because there are so many of them and all so wierd and hard to describe) throughout most of your day. Do you have it when you wake up until you go to sleep or just when you feel panicky or what? My head feels wierd most of the day and at times it peaks out in freaky ways hard to describe was wondering if any of you sufffered most the day as well.....and has anybody had this for 3-5-10 years straight?? Thanks.

Elise Monte

28-09-05, 02:17
Hi Calander Girl

This is general anxiety. It's different to panic dissorder in the sense that general anxiety is, well, more generalised, it doesn't always rise into panic, but it will often be with you throughout the day.

Everyone has a different experience with anxiety, so you can never be sure what symptoms are going to arise. Some people won't get symptoms as such, other than the negative thoughts and the general feeling of anxiety.

I've had phases in the past where I've felt nauseous day in, day out. In fact that has always been the main symptom of my anxiety over the last 8 years. But I've went through phases of other symptoms too, sometimes feeling undescribably weird for weeks.

If you can lower your general levels of anxiety, then the symptoms will be relieved.


'Security is mostly superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding Danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.'

28-09-05, 02:20
I have weird senstations coming and going.. somtimes they last all day everyday for a week then im good for a couple of days.. It like lingers in the background constantly. Makes you wonder if it is anxiety related or not. Im trying to come to terms with it and figure it out.

28-09-05, 03:24
This is what I am dealing with these day's for the most part I am over my panic attack (I haven't had a major one for a fue years). The feeling usaly follow and stay around for day's or longer after dealing with a sitation that cause my anxiety to rise. I can usaly figure out why I feel slightly anxious but i cant alway's stop my self from thinking compleatly.

29-09-05, 07:40
hi calendergirl

i do suffer the same as you general anxiety where i get weired symptoms all or nearly all day long from the min i wake till the min i get in bed but i also suffer severe panic attacks

but ive found that the weired feelings are due to feeling anxious and sometimes without even noticing it if thar makes sense to you?

i have suffered this over 2years now

hope things get better for you

all the best


There is light at the end of the tunnel its just fiding it thats the hard part