View Full Version : Brain Tumour

31-07-09, 21:10
This time it won't go away.

I just looked up brain tunour symptoms and hypochondira and found this list of symptoms (to prove to myself that it really is health anxiety):

"1) Debilitating headaches that come out of nowhere (so far mine aren't delibitataing - touch wood, God forbid etc)
2) Blurry vision or vision issues
3) Nausea, vomitting
4) Balance and/or vertigo issues
5) Sensory overload (lights, noise, smell etc.)
6) Mood swings"

for brain tumours.

I have all of those and have for two years - some lessen over time, some worsen...
As I'm writing this I can feel myself getting worse and I'm now in tears.
I'm so scared.
I had my eyes done in Nov and was told there was no increased pressure but what if a tumour's developed or grown since then?
Please write back? I'm not coping and I don't know how to calm down?

31-07-09, 21:15
so are those brain tumour or anxiety symptoms?

31-07-09, 21:15
brain tumour symptoms

31-07-09, 21:17
but they are also anxiety to right? i get some of those but have never really stressed over brain tumour, if you have had your eyes tested everything should be fine,

31-07-09, 21:21
Not a brain tumour - you would not be able to function and type on here if it was.

All anxiety.

31-07-09, 21:23
omg think i need to stop coming on here as i will end up worrying about things that i didnt even worry about, im sure it isnt a brain tumour and im sure you know that logically but its like everyone else you get it in your head and can t let it go. If it were a brain tumour you would have terrible black outs, xx take care xx

31-07-09, 21:41
Hello daisycake,

All the above symptoms can be attributal to anxiety, and i think most of us have suffered from them.

Don't google because it never brings comfort it only feeds your anxiety. Since you have googled your symptoms have escalated, which only goes to prove how Anxiety can affect your physical symptoms.

I know it is frightening when you get these feelings, and you feel out of control, but try to reassure yourself it is only the anxiety causing these feelings. We are all here to support, and understand how you are feeling. I am not sure if you are having any counselling; many people have been helped with cbt - i really think it would be worthwhile finding out about it.

31-07-09, 21:45
Hello daisycake,
I am not sure if you are having any counselling; many people have been helped with cbt - i really think it would be worthwhile finding out about it.

I was given six sessions (monthly) with a woman who I'm not sure was even a counsellor - maybe a nurse - who basically gave me a few booklets, sat and read them to me and told me to work through them at home; I did try but it wasn't as helpful as I hoped it might be. Thing is I've never told my GP just how bad my problems are - I clam up and can't get the words out - but my mum's told her many times and so GP's said she wants me and my mum to go together; to see if that makes it any easier but I'm not sure. Hopefully though.

31-07-09, 21:58
Please do go back to the doctor with your Mother because i am sure you can be helped. The doctor needs to understand exactly how you have been feeling. I know it can be quite difficult talking about these things, but once you begin to open up, i am sure you won't find it so hard. :hugs: