View Full Version : Bladder Cancer???

28-09-05, 07:41
Hi everyone, For the past few days I have had a strange feeling in my bladder. It started when I tried to go to the toilet and stopped mid-flow (sorry about the gory details), when I tried to go the toilet again I couldn't. It felt as though my bladder was going to pop. I managed it in the end, I think the reason may have been that I was anxious.
Now, my bladder feels full all the time and when I try to go the toilet it's just a dribble[Sigh...]. This morning, I was walking up to the shop after going to the toilet, and I felt like I needed to pee all the way to the shop and back. It's not painful, but when I press on my stomach, it feels tender, as if it's bruised.
I am still agoraphobic and I am terrified to go to the DRs incase he says I need to go the hospital. I am so, so scared of it being Cancer :(, I have almost convinced myself that I am dying...
Sorry to winge on..
Thank you all for listening
Bye for now (need a pee again)
Love lots

28-09-05, 08:17
try not think cancer but i would concider an infection and going to Dr to talk about would be a good idea but in the mean time as much as you need to pee drinking as much as you con lot's and lot's water will help flush the infection if that what is causeing it or could just be anxiety or could be both. Please go to Dr incase my friend had the same thing and told her about the water and she tryed it and it help her heap's she also got medication as well.

try to go see your Dr I'm sure it as simple as getting some medication to help your body fight a posible infection. DRINK plenty of water.

28-09-05, 09:20
Hi Christine

I don't think it's cancer chuck, it's probably an urinary tract infection, drink plenty of water and try cranberry juice as well.
Perhaps you should also visit the GP if symptoms persist incase you need antibiotics.

Take care

Elaine x

28-09-05, 09:51
Sounds like it could be Cystitis - you can get over the counter remedies if it is.

You need to drink loads and loads of water to help flush it out.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

28-09-05, 10:36
I agree with Nic, my Ami suffers with this a lot and her symptoms are exactly the same as what you are describing, us anxiety sufferers eh, the most simple thing makes us panic.
Take care
Trac xx

its "just a thought"

28-09-05, 10:59
Hi guys and thank you all so much for your advice.

I will start to drink more water, I drink water but only when it's in coffee


If I haven't got anything to worry about, then I worry.

28-09-05, 11:31
i have had this too... and it was an infection...
water is brilliant ... and so is cranberry juice!!! dont know why though...
and like nic said if you cant face the docs then you can get medication from the chemist.
i know its the most horrible feeling but try not to worry.

28-09-05, 13:24
Stop the coffee..

Clear fluids - at least 2- 3 litres a day till it clears.

Cranberry and pomegranete juice are both great as they alter the ph of the bladder and the infection organisms cannot live and multiply in that environment.

If it doesn't clear in 48 hours or starts to smell offensive off to get some antibiotics please.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

28-09-05, 20:38
Hi I had this problem months ago. I still get it from time to time, went to the docs and after tests, it turned out to be anxiety. Try not to worry, as its is very possibly anxiety and the more you worry, the more youll wanna go. If it does carry on then maybe a trip to the doctors, just for piece of mind.

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

29-09-05, 07:36
Hi again everyone and thank you for your continued support.
I cut down on the coffee (only 4 cups yesterday, when usually I can drink about 20). There was no pain this morning when I went to the toilet. But, when I woke up this morning I had an ache in the right side of my back, (by my kidney). I know that the logical way of thinking would be that I pulled a muscle but I can't help but think that the 2 are connected.
I believe that if they were connected then I would have had both the symptoms at the same time. But as I am an anxiety sufferer I think the worst-Kidney disease/cancer.
I hope thatthere are people about who can put my mind at restt again.
Thank you in advance

29-09-05, 13:53
Hi. I think it would perhaps be best if you visited your doctor and took a urine sample with you. You can get a small sterile sample bottle from your surgery. Your doc will be able to test it to see if there are any signs of infection and treat it with antibiotics if need be. Continue to drink plenty of fluid and avoid caffeine if you can. At least it will put your mind at rest if you see your doc. Anxiety directly affects the bladder so the more worried you become the more irritated your bladder will feel. Let us know how you get on Chucklehound. :)

29-09-05, 14:18

It may well be effects of any infection present.

I agree with Tulip - a trip to tyhe docs is in order now and a sample is in order now to check for infection.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

29-09-05, 15:14
Hi Chris,

I had the same symptoms along time ago, bladder felt full, not being able to wee, tummy felt tender and ache in by back by my kidney.
It turn out that I had an ifection.
This went away with meds from my GP and drinking lots and lots of fluids.

As the others have said, a trip to your GP to put your mind at rest.
Peace of mind goes along way.



30-09-05, 11:41
Yes I think go to the Doc's if it still continues for peace of mind.

Take care,

Hope you feel better soon.

Love PIP'S X X

30-09-05, 14:32
Hi all and thankyou for your continued support.
THis morning when I woke up my back wasn't hurting at all, but, when I got out of bed it was quite painful. I tried to carry on as normal and made it to the shop.
Later on in the morning I felt as if I couldn't catch my breath and thought I had a collapsed lung (stupid eh?).
I was very close to a panic attack but managed to control the anxietyu with positive thinking and correct breathing. Eventually the pains subsided and now my back is feeling much better and I can catch my breathe fine. I realise now that it was just anxiety and feel daft for posting in the first place...
I couldn't have got through this so quickly without all your support-THANK YOU

30-09-05, 14:34
God news and hows the bladder issue ?

30-09-05, 15:46
Hi Meg,
The bladder has completely gone now. I just did ehat you (and the others) suggested and stayed off the coffee and it cleared withing days...
Thank you so much for your support!!!

30-09-05, 15:56
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi Meg,
The bladder has completely gone now.
<div align="right">Originally posted by chucklehound - 30 September 2005 : 15:46:41</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Wow that is a bit drastic :D[^]


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

30-09-05, 18:35
PMSL Well I knew what I meant!!![:I][Oops!]
I spoke to soon anyway because it is still slightly painful....

Thank you all
