View Full Version : New here and so SCARED

31-07-09, 23:23
If anyone can help il be so happy. A few week ago i had some mild discomfort when i woke in the mornings and noticed that my right tonsil was kind of swollen. I cant really tell if it has gone down the past week but today i noticed it felt like there was something stuck in the back of my mouth/throat when i swallow, but i cant see anything. Anyway about an hour ago i made the mistake of feeling my neck and found a lump at the top, kind of just under my jaw. I absolutely freaked out and did the worse thing possible, googled and it came up with tonsil, neck cancer as my symptoms matched and lymphoma. God im terrified now absolutely. Can anybody help me out im terrified its cancer or something.

01-08-09, 00:13
sounds like a sore throat, r swollen lymph nodes.
maybe see your doctor if you are worried.
it's perfectly normal, lymph nodes swell up all the time.
try taking some throat sweets

01-08-09, 00:21
I dont have a sore throat its just i get a bit of discomfort on the right side near my tonsil which is slightly swollen but the left one is normal. I try to reason with myself but it just isnt happening im scaring myself silly.

01-08-09, 00:42
Don't panic. I get this all the time. Your tonsils trap germs before they get in your system. Sometimes they themselves get a virus or bacteria and they swell up. When this happens, you don't get a sore throat in the sense of pain in your throat but you may feel discomfort as the tonsil and the surounding tissue is dealing with the minor infection. If it will make you feel better go see a doctor but I promise you that you are fine. Good luck and welcome to the board. P.S. NO GOOGLE!

01-08-09, 01:06
Don't panic. I get this all the time. Your tonsils trap germs before they get in your system. Sometimes they themselves get a virus or bacteria and they swell up. When this happens, you don't get a sore throat in the sense of pain in your throat but you may feel discomfort as the tonsil and the surounding tissue is dealing with the minor infection. If it will make you feel better go see a doctor but I promise you that you are fine. Good luck and welcome to the board. P.S. NO GOOGLE!

Thank you! I guess it worries me that its only one side and not both and with the lump in my neck scares me even more. Would that be linked to it?
I try not google but when you are in panic mode you just end up doing it hoping for the best

01-08-09, 04:08
Yes the lump could most certainly be linked. The tonsil is all lymphatic tissue, very similar to the nodes in the rest of your body. If a tonsil is swollen due to bacteria or infection then it could easily cause surrounding tissue to become swollen. I am no doctor but I have spoken to several about this type of thing. I went so far as to have my tonsils removed when I was 35 because I was scared that I had a tumor. When they did the pathology, they found that the enlarged one was full of bacteria. No tumor and nothing serious. Good luck, you will be fine.

01-08-09, 04:31
Try calm down, I know it's hard but you've got to tell yourself this is just anxiety! Try logicalize your thoughts..
Your tonsils or glands (you have alot of glands in that area) swell up when they're fighting a minor infection. I really do think it's that, it's quite common.

I've had my tonsils removed but noticed swelling in that area, I went to my gp and they told me that even though they're not there this can still happen.

No idea how but hey ho.

Hope you feel better soon :) Try not to worry.x