View Full Version : doctor told me to forget choosen job because of anxiety

01-08-09, 00:11
Was just looking for advice.In the past have suffered from a bit of depression but mainly anxiety.I went to cbt and was on meds.For a year now i have been off the meds and doing ok.I am a still a worrier but things felt better.In the last year i completed a teaching assistant course which i loved.I was at my doctor today about another matter and he asked what i was doing now work wise.I told him that i had just finished and passed my teaching assistant course.He then said you wont get any where because of the anxiety, i think you should try something else!

I had given up another full time job to do this course.Now he has just told me thats it has all been a waste of time!!i am gutted i just feel like i have wasted my time,and now i cant do a job that i realy enjoy.Am so gutted.

01-08-09, 00:23

If i was you i would change your GP !! :ohmy:

What a terrible thing for him to say, he should be supporting you !

I think its brilliant what you have achievd ! WELL DONE ! :yesyes:

You go prove your GP wrong hun and go for it !
(Im still in shock that he said that, thats terrible!)


01-08-09, 00:27
Hey thanks for the support .Didnt make myself clear he was saying that i should look for something else because the anxiety on medical records are frowned upon and that i would be over looked,

01-08-09, 00:30
Of course you can do it. sorry but this doctor sounds like an ass. You can achieve anything you put your mind to. If anxiety, when teaching, becomes a problem then you will be able to deal with it at the time, and make adjustments to make the job suit you. Teaching is one of those careers where they are quite flexible and most schools very understanding. You should go for it, try it out. If its something you love and greatly enjoy it's likely it won't make you anxious. If you decide you can't do things before you've even tried them then you definately will never be able to do them(if that makes sense). This doctor should be encouraging you, not putting you down. You've done so well to achieve what you have: coming off meds and completing the course (massive pat on the back : ) ). I think you should go for it, and enjoy every miniute, kids do the funniest things :P. Just becuase doctors have a PHD doesnt mean they know everything and shouldnt be giving out advice like this its unethical. Good luck for the future xxxx

01-08-09, 00:34

Well i still wouldnt let him put you off - I have been a member of this site for a few years now and seen many people with anxiety move on, some of them working in schools, i even have a close friend who suffered depression and anxiety and she is now a teaching assistant and as never looked back. :yesyes: She didnt have any problems getting the job!

I still say go for it hun !

01-08-09, 00:37
Hey siobhain just read your other message : ) Nah schools tend to be pretty open minded about that kinda thing. They cannot discriminate. My dad runs a learning support department and loads of his staff have past problems such as depression and illness but as at interview you can explain how you are currently capable to do the job you have no worries. You will be ace at it : )

01-08-09, 00:40
thanks guys feel alot more reassured now!!Was gutted earlier today but now feel a bit more positive!!

hope you guys are all doing ok

01-08-09, 00:43
but now feel a bit more positive!!

Thats the spirit hun !:yesyes:

Now you go get applying for your dream job and dont let anyone put you off !:yesyes:

Good luck!

01-08-09, 01:49
At the end of the day people go to a doctor for medical advice and not careers guidance. Stick with it.

01-08-09, 10:23
thanks everyone.feel abit worried today.Spent most of last night awake thinking i wasted all my time .If i cant get a job doing this ,what am i going to do?Like noboby told me this when i started the course.the doctor was saying it will be practially impossible to get ta job and said i be best of looking for a new job.feel like everything i have worked for has been a waste of time.All this is making me start to feel really really anxious.

01-08-09, 10:37
Wow wow wow lol

Who's your doctor? So I make sure I don't go to him ;)

Listen, there are some great docs, and some are shocking. I went to a GP once about crippling anxiety, he told me to, and this is true, buy a bike.

A Bike, I had a friggin bike, maybe I was using wrong or something but in all my research, I didn't see buy a bike stuffed in between meds and CBT as cures.

My point is, this particualr GP should stick to what he knows, but it ain't careers advice ;)

Ask yourself this, before he said that, was you running around thinking "teaching is not for me?" nope you didn't because you were coping great with it.

All this is is, the power of suggestion, some muppet has suggested something and your mind has focused on it.

Now forget what the GP said, and go for it :)


Carla louise
01-08-09, 19:06
What a terrible (and untrue)thing to have said to you, idiot doctor. I am doing a degree with a view to going into teaching and my anxiety doesn't manifest itself at work, but even if it did, like dizzydi said, they cannot discriminate. If you are capable of doing what it takes to pass that course hun, you are capable of persuing your chosen career, most definately, go for it, you've worked hard for it, don't let it be robbed from you x

02-08-09, 20:51
What nonsense:lac:

Ive had panic most of my life and Im an undertaker......total change of job about a year ago and its made my anxiety far better not worse:yesyes:

You go for it and ignore silly GP

Kaz x:hugs:

02-08-09, 23:06
hey thankyou everyone am trying to be positive but keep thinking back to what he said,he said the anxiety is mainly a problem if you want to work in education,nursing and childcare etc.I really feel like i am not going to anywhere now.thank you everyone i appericate it.

03-08-09, 00:19
Hi Siobhain

I am a teacher in an FE college, teaching special need's students. I am currently suffering from depression & anxiety and so have a lot of my colleagues. Not only are my employers supportive but they also pay for 6 counselling sessions for staff, no matter what position they are in, every 6 months. With the holidays in teaching there is plenty of 'rest' periods throughout the academic year. I am only part-time (20 hrs/week) but managed to work throughout my sickness and now off for my summer holidays. I am making a lot of progress and hope to feel back to my 'old' self when I return to work on Sept. I am a teacher so I presume that I know what I am talking about but I wouldn't dream of giving you medical advice as I am not a doctor. So you go for it!!!!!!! Good luck and take care


03-08-09, 14:36
That was not your doctors place to say that to you! Yes go ahead and apply for the jobs - you have shown you are competent enough as you did pass the course. I really hate people who discriminate against people with mental health and anxiety problems makes me so angry! Congratulations on passing your course!

03-08-09, 14:53
""In the last year i completed a teaching assistant course which i loved.I was at my doctor today about another matter and he asked what i was doing now work wise.I told him that i had just finished and passed my teaching assistant course."":yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:
I think this quote from your own post says it all - if your anxiety was a problem YOU WOULD NOT have got through????????
you would not have coped in the classroom .......
you would not have got through your exams with the ease that you have .... you would not have been so happy..........:yesyes:
If you are doing a job you love / like then your anxiety will not show itself:ohmy: you / we all know that when we are occupied in a pleasant task we forget to be anxious.
Don't think of what the doc said - go for your job and prove him wrong.
I wish you the very best of happiness.

03-08-09, 21:49
thanks very much everyone.Am trying to be postive cause this is the job i always wanted to do.It seems so unfair that cause you have been through a hard time in the past ,that it will affect the rest of your future.Chantelle i hope you feel better soon.Thank you very much everyone ,

04-08-09, 15:09
I don't think theres any reason why you cant do the job you want if you feel up to it. Employers can't discriminate against you for having anxiety. I have suffered anxiety all my life i always include it in my application forms and have never had any problems in fact im just about to qualify as a mental health nurse. You've done really well don't let your gp put you of.


04-08-09, 19:05
Hey Siobhain,

I just wanted to let you know that I suffer with anxiety and have derealisation quite bad sometimes, however I'm a primary school teacher and I know that if it weren't for my job keeping me busy and occupied I'd probably be in a worse state. My job helps me to take my mind off my anxiety and I love it. What I'm trying to say is don't let your doctor put you off. You're very brave to want to get a job (and even braver to want to work with children!!! LOL). Anxiety stops people from having a lot of things, but don't let it hold you back from getting your dream job. I'm sure you'll be a fantastic TA. Good luck x x x

04-08-09, 21:32

I just wanted to say there is no reason why you can't do the job that you want! I hate when others assume that you can or can't do something because of anxiety or depression... it's certainly never stopped me! Go for it, and if you are EVER discriminated against on a job application then you should fight it because it is illegal! (though I don't disclose my medical history until I have an offer... but it shouldn't make a difference)

Go for it! I wish you all the success you deserve x x x x x

Carla louise
09-08-09, 20:21
Siobahn, PLEASE go ahead and apply for posts as a TA, don't let this doc put you off, I am distressed by your post as I know how hard you must have worked for this and I feel its terribly unfair what he has said to you x

eternally optimistic
09-08-09, 20:37
Hi Siobhain

What a bad arse Doctor, he was.

If you going through an "iffy" time now does N O T mean you have to give up on your plans.

You go for it, do not give up and let this totally inappropriate comment alter your future ideas.

Anxiety, depression etc etc, we all have the chance to go on and do what everyone else does.

Forget what he said to you and persevere (dont think I spelt that right) with it all.


09-08-09, 23:00
Hi Siobhan..

You are the one in control of your destiny. You and only you should be the one to decide on whether you chose a different career path.

I have a similar decision to make although it is in a part time capacity with a Rescue Service. I'll decide if I want to go back based on info from certain colleague. In saying that, its not looking good but that is a decision I'll make and that is a decison that only you should make.

I noticed that you say you loved your course. That being the case, to me, that shows that you managed well. Go for it but take good care of yourself. I also work full time in an educational establishment in Technical Support and know what teaching can be like.
