View Full Version : Severe symptoms, just need someone to listen

01-08-09, 00:48
For the last 36 hours or so my anxiety has been really high and I can't figure out why. 90% of my brain knows this is just anxiety but I can't convince the other 10% that this isn't a stroke or heart attack or MS or you name it. I am having one sided weakness that comes and goes (or at least I perceive weakness) and I feel clumsy. I am also having a hard time falling and staying asleep. I am long time sufferer and "know" this is only a bad spell but in the middle of these periods all logic goes out the window. Some encouraging words would be great.


01-08-09, 02:02

You are correct, it is only a spell. Loads of us get days and even weeks like that and for what seems like no reason. Just think of all the positives and focus on them and this will soon cancel the 10%.

When I am busy my mind is distracted and hey presto, nothing! Then at other times when I don't feel any anxiety I get pains and start to focus on them. Even though I know there is nothing wrong.

Relaxation, distraction and positive thinking, that's the name of the game!

01-08-09, 04:04
I wish I could relax or distract. I was up until 3 am last night and finally took something to make me sleep. I wasn't really worrying, I just couldn't shut my brain off. It is like I have all this pain buried in me and I can't let it out. There are times when I just feel like I am coming apart at the seams. Logically I know it will pass but I keep focusing on how this time it could really be a tumor or a disease and how I am just not strong enough to face that type of outcome. Anyway, if anyone can relate drop me a line because these posts are the only thing that help.

01-08-09, 14:41
Hello J2,

As a long time ha sufferer i can relate to your problem. I think it is perfectly normal for us to have spells when we feel a little more vulnerable, and have to use the rational thoughts to cancel out the irrational, which as we know is easier said than done. The main thing is that you do recognise this as a 'spell' and you know it will pass, i think that is the only way to deal with it. Don't spend too much energy trying to block the thoughts, because by doing that you are still entertaining them, just let them be - and carrying on accepting them for what they are - nothing more than anxiety trying to stir up all sorts of bad thoughts - if ignored they will pass.