View Full Version : NUMB ARM!!!?????

28-09-05, 08:40
Hi everyone,

Last night I woke up about 3am and the top of my left arm was completely numb! I wasn't laying on that side, I always sleep on my right side (much more comfortable,lol). I kept rubbing it to try and get the circulation back but my arm stayed numb and cold! I eventually got back to sleep and when I woke up this morning the top of my arm is no longer numb but feels very light (if that makes any sense at all) and when I took the dog out I got some pretty heavy and hard heart beats in it!

Has anyone had this? is this concern for going to the doctors? I'm trying not to panic myself but am really worried as I'm always convincing my self that it's my heart and not anxiety!!

Thanx for reading

Take Carexxx


"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"

28-09-05, 08:51
Getting it checked by Dr is alway the best idea.

I often get numbness on the side I'm not sleeping on and before coming on here I didn't even realise it could be a sign of my anxiety. Im use to it now but when it was at it worst I did go to a Dr and my fear's were eased from knowing that it was nothing serious.

The heart pounding was proberly anxiety due to your worry about the numbness if not also from other worry's you may have had but talking to your Dr about it is still a good idea as well.

28-09-05, 09:09
Hi Claire

I used to get the same thing in my right leg when my anxiety was acute.
If it makes you feel better then perhaps you should visit the GP but it probably is anxiety chuck.

Take carew

Elaine x

28-09-05, 14:41
Hi Claire

When my anxiety was acute I used to get this. It waa not my arm, it was my foot. One night I woke up and my foot was numb, I couldn't even move it. Of course this scared me, it seemed the more I tryed it just did not seem to want to move.
I did put this dowm to another of my many anxiety symptoms.
I have not had this symptom in a long time.

Like the others have said, getting a check by your GP puts our minds a rest.
Peace of mind goes along way.



When you fear something,
learn as much about it as you can.
Knowledge conqers fear.

28-09-05, 16:41
Hi Claire

I have suffered from numbness either in the arm or leg, sometimes both, sometimes heavy arm and leg, if that makes sense.

Having had it checked out, I now just chalk it up to another symptom of anxiety - not pleasant - but for me another symptom.

As you haven't had it checked out by gp, it might be worth it to get peace of mind.

Hope this helps

Take care

Elaine :D xx

28-09-05, 17:33
I have had this as well in my left arm. I have never woken up in the middle of the night with it but I have had it quite bad during the day..It is a common symptom amongst anxiety sufferers..:D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

28-09-05, 18:57
Thank you guys for your posts.

My arm had eased up when I left to take the kids to nursery and it still seems to be fine now (touch wood!). If it happens again then I will be taking it to the doctors. I was going to run myself down there today but then though what if it's nothing and they think I'm an idiot!!

Take Carexxx


"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"

28-09-05, 20:55
hi jammie

i get it where my left leg on the outside goes numb when im in bed but it soon comes back to normal but if u are at all worried then i would suggest going to see ur g.p

all the best


There is light at the end of the tunnel its just fiding it thats the hard part