View Full Version : Balance problems, unstable, disorientation...weird

01-08-09, 02:37
Hey guys

These are the symptoms I'm worried about. Most of them are new to me, and I've had anxiety issues for a couple of years.

1. When I walk it feels like the floor is moving beneath my feet. I also get a sinking sensation. Makes me feel very unstable and afraid I might fall.

2. When I'm sitting down or lying down, I feel like I'm swaying, as if I'm in a boat or as if someone is constantly pushing me around.

3. I get strangely disoriented and it freaks me out. (This one is very hard to explain)
For example: I'm riding in a car and all of a sudden I can't tell whether the car is moving forward or backward.
I get out of the store and all of a sudden I don't know whether I should go left or right in order to get home.
I'm in the elevator and I get confused whether it's going up or down.
I'm at home and I don't know whether to push or pull a door open.
Sometimes when I'm breathing I can't tell whether I'm inhaling or exhaling.
Sorry this is such a lousy attempt to explain this.

4. I feel very unstable and vulnerable when my body is in motion - when I'm riding in a car, riding in an elevator, riding escalators, swinging on swings, etc.

5. I developed an intense fear of heights (even insignificant ones). I'm also afraid of stairs, esp. steep ones.

6. Sometimes my head spins rapidly for a couple of seconds and I have to hold on to something, or lean against a wall.

7. I get an intense tingling sensation in my head and I'm worried my brain is not getting enough oxygen and I'm going to pass out.

Sorry this is so long. Do these symptoms sound familiar? Do you think they are anxiety related? I'm worried something's seriously wrong with me this time and I would really appreciate your opinion. Thanks

01-08-09, 09:34
Hiya Lotus

It sounds like classic derealisation anxiety to me.

I use to get most of that alot, like the feeling you get after being on a fairground ride.

When driving, if I was at the lights stopped, it still felt I was rolling backwards into the car behind me.

I know it's scary, but it's just a symptom of anxiety. So when you feel it, try to think "o well, it's just my anxiety playing up, it's nothing more than that, and it will pass".

Good luck


09-08-09, 12:11
Thanks Jaco45er

I'm still worried about these symptoms. I don't know if they are a result of derealization, they are just so weird. I'm seeing a neurologist next week, so hopefully I'll have some answers.

09-08-09, 16:53
This could well be an inner ear disorder to, an ENT referral is good to rule out & to ease anxiety associated x

10-08-09, 12:34
Wow, I've had almost exactly the same symptoms. Sometimes when I walk everything feels unstable...and as though the floor is moving or sinking. I also feel very light headed a lot of the time and disconnected from reality (particularly when in large open spaces or wide roads). I felt like the ground was moving underneath my feet for about 2 months. I went to see my GP who said my anxiety had worsened and she increased my anxiety med doseage. My balance has been a lot better since but I still have the odd day or too when the symptoms return. It's really scary but according to my Doctor they are common anxiety symptoms.


10-08-09, 17:04
I had the same. Ive just been told its Labyrinthitis (inner ear infection). Maybe you should get checked for ear problems too.

12-08-09, 16:35
I have had this to lotus, mine was contributed with funny vision to! but yes its is another horrible anxiety symptom, like alot of the symptoms i have experienced with anxiety i found that the lower my anxiety levels are the less it happens, when you have anxiety if you obsess about a symptom it will increase it by 10!

Try not to obsess accept that it is anxiety and hopefully like me you will find that the less you worry about it the less you will feel unbalanced good luck!! :) xx

17-08-09, 04:12
Well, I had to check the username a few times to make sure I didn't write this message, as it is me to a tee.

I have awful anxiety and have all the problems you mention and more. I describe my walking as though on a rope bridge or boat, when I sit I sway, I hate going in lifts as I feel disorientated, when I walk around supermarkets I feel like I am in a dream and things aren't real, when I look at stuff it feels I am looking through glass as things are slightly tinted, I keep spinning in the head every so often, I keep getting an intense spacey feeling that seems to move from ear to brain to other ear, the left hand side of my face tingles, I constantly worry my brain is not getting enough oxygen, so much so that I paid £150 for a neck doppler test to check my arteries, when I look over a bridge or anything with height I feel spaced out and sick, even though years ago I went to the top of the Eiffel tower with no problems. I could go on and on :)

I have been told nothing really, some doctors think maybe labyrinthitis, some think maybe menieres, and others think anxiety. Pick and choose :)

17-08-09, 10:32
when I walk around supermarkets I feel like I am in a dream and things aren't real

OMG that's SO me! I sometimes can't cope with the supermarket at all...all the bright lights make my derealisation worse and I sometimes find the other people in the shop very intimidating....for no reason.

18-08-09, 00:26
I went the docs last year thinking I had vertigo or an ear infection - turns out was a symptom of having panic attacks and didn't even know at the time.

18-08-09, 01:45
OMG that's SO me! I sometimes can't cope with the supermarket at all...all the bright lights make my derealisation worse and I sometimes find the other people in the shop very intimidating....for no reason.

Yeah, I feel the same thing, also sometimes I almost go in to a trance, I walk down the aisles and can hear the buzzing of the freezers, see the bright lights, and everyone seems to hover past me as though I am in a dream.

25-09-16, 09:40
Hey guys

These are the symptoms I'm worried about. Most of them are new to me, and I've had anxiety issues for a couple of years.

1. When I walk it feels like the floor is moving beneath my feet. I also get a sinking sensation. Makes me feel very unstable and afraid I might fall.

2. When I'm sitting down or lying down, I feel like I'm swaying, as if I'm in a boat or as if someone is constantly pushing me around.

3. I get strangely disoriented and it freaks me out. (This one is very hard to explain)
For example: I'm riding in a car and all of a sudden I can't tell whether the car is moving forward or backward.
I get out of the store and all of a sudden I don't know whether I should go left or right in order to get home.
I'm in the elevator and I get confused whether it's going up or down.
I'm at home and I don't know whether to push or pull a door open.
Sometimes when I'm breathing I can't tell whether I'm inhaling or exhaling.
Sorry this is such a lousy attempt to explain this.

4. I feel very unstable and vulnerable when my body is in motion - when I'm riding in a car, riding in an elevator, riding escalators, swinging on swings, etc.

5. I developed an intense fear of heights (even insignificant ones). I'm also afraid of stairs, esp. steep ones.

6. Sometimes my head spins rapidly for a couple of seconds and I have to hold on to something, or lean against a wall.

7. I get an intense tingling sensation in my head and I'm worried my brain is not getting enough oxygen and I'm going to pass out.

Sorry this is so long. Do these symptoms sound familiar? Do you think they are anxiety related? I'm worried something's seriously wrong with me this time and I would really appreciate your opinion. Thanks

Did this ever go away for you?

January 24th I woke up still drunk from a night out. I then had a panic attack after a health scare (blood on the toilet).

Went to A&E to get checked out, all is fine. However whilst waiting in A&E I felt really nauseous and felt like I was swaying on a boat.

It went away shortly after the ordeal but then came back 2 days later.

For the past 8 months have had this dizziness/swaying on a boat feeling/feeling like I'm in a dream or that everything is surreal.

It seems worse in narrow corridors or smalll rooms.


26-09-16, 09:27
Hi i have had all this for 6 months, when im in bed i feel like im sinking and when i walk i feel like im walking on a boat, i dont get the classic spinning sensation you get with vertigo but my doc said there are diff types

Mine went away for 3 days this week but has come back, does anyone know why this is ?

I have euchstacian tube dysfunction but doc sending me back to ent

Im sure some of this is anxiety as i rememeber 10 years ago i had the sinking feeling but it went away

Can i also ask does anyone get buzzing in their feet and lower legs . ? I have this just now not sure what it is