View Full Version : Dilema (need answers by 2pm)

01-08-09, 09:46
I'm having a dilema and trouble deciding what to do.

I have agoraphobia and social phobia at a really exteme level, i live with my fiance who is my only safe person (i cant even see my family and i dont have any friends).

He is going on a stag doo tonight which is in a city about an hour and a half away from home.

I've been extremely panicky recently, having alot of panic attacks over this but also unexplained ones, especially when i've gone to bed and firt thing in the morning;.

I have 2 options;

1. Stay at home. Be alone from 12pm Saturday untill late afternoon Sunday, which depresses me and makes me panic. Be bored. Worry constantly about him (OCD) and I have bad seperation anxiety.
But have my home comforts.

2. Go to the hotel. Be alone but only from about 5pm till 12:30am. Put up with the travel sickness of the journey.
Be bored, panicky. Panicking in a strage place.
But have the laptop with me for internet and tv shows.
I'd also feel closer to him because he'll only be about 20mins away so the seperation anxiety wont be as bad.

Im not sure what to do, I dont want to be home alone all day, but i also dont want to be having panic attacks in a strange place. When i have them i want to just be alone but i wont be able to to when he gets back.

Any advice would be much appreciated, thank you x

01-08-09, 10:14
Tough question, but if i was you I would stay at home at keep yourself busy. Make yourself find things to do to keep your mind off things, and then if you really do feel anxious come on here and find someone to chat with. You will always find someone on here to chat with or exchange posts with to get you through until your fiance returns.
Also,if he is okay about it, you can always phone him and chat for a while.
Whatever decision you make,I hope it goes well, i'm sure it will
take care


01-08-09, 10:30
Hi miss

I totally agree with mick_yucky.

I know it will be hard for you, but this is something you will want to conquer because it's keeping you a prisoner.

I am a believer that to overcome your fear, you need to face it and do the very things that keep you ill.

And Mick has suggested some very good coping strategies to get you through.

If you do decide to stay at home, even though it will be difficut, you will be proud of yourself when your bf returns on Sunday.

Good luck what ever you decide :)


01-08-09, 10:30
O sorry mick I spelt your name wrong, silly me ;)

01-08-09, 10:38
Hi I agree with the others, stay at home with all your home comforts and try to keep occupied ( I know easier said than done) and maybe either you ring your partner or he rings you a couple of times
A - for reassurance he is ok
B - something to help you keep focused on


magpie girl
01-08-09, 12:52
i agree with the others, i would stay at home.i also suffer from seperation anxiety,i also panic when im alone,but i think i would be worse having to do a car journey then stay in a strange place out of my comfort zone. Try and keep your self distracted chat on here,u can always ring your partner if you need t talk to him. xxxxxxx

Carla louise
01-08-09, 19:18
Its a tough one, I suffer from this too, separation anxiety OCD, hate being away from my fiance and have worried constantly, not been as bad since been on Cit. Think would be good for you to be in your own environment but also understand your need to be near, I really do.We will all be here for you though.Could he perhaps ring you a couple of times? Please let us know what you decide xx

02-08-09, 13:19

thats a pretty tough one, but I think you should go with the more risky one, maybe it will make you feel better to have conquered a little travel sickness and ect... ?

hope everything will be ok..
