View Full Version : Does anyone else feel like this?

01-08-09, 17:40
When you read or hear about something some one else is worrying about to do with their HA you wish you were worrying about what they are worrying about instead of your own health worries if you see what I mean.

I don't know if that made sense lol but what I am trying to say is the grass does always seem greener on the other side.
You can see through other peoples health worries and see that they have nothing wrong with them other then HA but you can't see through your own!

Also I used to worry about having a brain tumour and cancer amongst other things. I am currently worried about MS and I would much rather go back to worrying about a brain tumour or cancer instead.

I think once you are 'over' a certain period in your HA you can look back and see how silly and overly worried you were being.

I hope this has made sense.

01-08-09, 17:56
i totally agree when we have finished worrying about something it seems so silly and we can always reasure someone else, but why cant we reasure our selves

01-08-09, 17:58
What you said makes perfect sense. I find myself wishing that I was worrying about the Swine Flu instead of cancer. Like you said, it's easier to see through someone else's worries than you own.

01-08-09, 18:26
in few words... that's why we are here cassy, to support each other because we can see that what some people perceive as a dangerous illness is nothing serious.

02-08-09, 10:33
Yeah I know thats why we are here lol and I wasn't saying I thought any ones HA was easier to cope with then anothers or anything, I was just making a point :)

02-08-09, 11:08
Omg I totally agree cassy I look at some other peoples & I think oh I wish I had that worry either because it's less serious condition than my current worry or cos it's rarer than my worry or something like that :-(