View Full Version : worrying about my eye...again...

01-08-09, 22:30
does anyone else suffer with their eyes when their anxiety is bad...my left eye is playing me up and i get really stressed about it keep thinking im going to go blind. I know that deep down i dont have anything wrong with my eye..just get those floaters and for some reason when im stressed they get worse does anyone else get like this at times with their eyes. Sometimes i wake up at night in a panic thinking i wont see out of it. The other night i had my eye pressed into the pillow so ofcourse when i woke up it was totally blurred..omg major panic attack..this has now actually started me off on this awful ideal that ive got something wrong with my eye..:weep:

02-08-09, 01:21
Hi! Floaters are normal, the only time they are a cause for concern is if you get flashing lights at the same time, as that can indicate a problem with your retina which an optician or doctor can investigate and get fixed. On the other hand floaters and flashing lights can be a symptom of tiredness and/or migraines.

Pressure on the eye will certainly distort your vision as it pushes the components of your eye out of shape. Your vision will return to normal as your eye "remembers" its proper shape. Your body is designed to repair itself no matter what damage it suffers, so try not to stress to much, it takes a hell of a lot to cause any significant damage.

02-08-09, 14:26
Thanks for your reply made me feel much better think ill make an appt to the optrician anyway just for a check up.

13-08-09, 09:53
Hi Tasia,

I have also had vision problems with my anxiety, hope that your optician reassured you, i suffered from floaters and what looked like snow vision, also if i was in a dark room for a long time and went into a light room everytime i blinked it seemed like my vision flashed, i was terrified i had detached retina so i got my self all worked up went to the optician has a major crying panic attack when i got there in front of everyone, had lots of intensive tests done which turned out that my eyes where perfectly healthy.

This is another one of those symptoms that decrease the less anxious you are. The doctor and the optician explained to me that when you are anxious it makes the nerves around your eyes sensitive which makes you see things that less anxious people dont, also when you are anxious your body is looking for signs of danger which dilite the pupils and can cause this effect. It is harmless so try not to worry and hope evrything went ok :) xx

13-08-09, 10:01
I have floaters, it's something to do with the jelly like substance that starts to dry out, and it tends to be worse when going from bright to dark backgrounds, but it really is nothing to worry about, unless you do get the whole flashing light bit aswell then you'll need to see the optition again.

16-08-09, 18:03
hay guys thanks so much for reasurring me. Ive got my appt on tuesday at optricians hopefully all will be ok..Thanks again x

04-11-09, 13:14
I have blurred vision and floaters! It's really bad at the moment.

20-11-09, 05:55
Did that last night.. Don't you just hate it when you sleep with your eye pressed on your pillow and wake up and can't see out of that eye? I have floaters and recently been having dry eye so bad it stings like I have shampoo in it.Most of the time out of doors I have to wear sunglasses because my eyes get where I can't see out of them without the protection. Then at night I watch tv and they get blurry .. Im a little concerned to but it doesn't happen all the time just a lot.. Hope you feel better..