View Full Version : PMS worsens anxiety

02-08-09, 03:47
sorry, i'm sure this topic has been posted about many times before, but to my fellow female anxiety sufferers.....

do you notice that your anxiety gets a lot worse in the week before your period (PMS time)? i have bad health-related anxiety and that plus the emotional, hormonal and physical symptoms that i get from PMS is a bad combination. i do the worst-case scenario with PMS symptoms just like i do it with any other random ache, pain or other body symptom that comes along.

just wondering if anyone out there can relate...

02-08-09, 04:32
yep, on my period and up at four thirty am freaking out, dizzy too. hate time of the month!!!

02-08-09, 12:36
Yep me too.
used to get pms prior, now for the last year or so am having really bad anxiety prior to starting,,,,,,, just take it for granted now. have you tried avena sativa and vervain, this helps me.


02-08-09, 15:52
pms dont talk to me about it. Never used to get it much but since this anxiety thing its off the scale. I get it twice a month now once in the middle and then relly bad a few days before period and i have noticed my periods are getting so painful they keep me awake half the night and then lack of sleep makes me feel sick and dizzy which triggers the anxiety more its a vicious circle. Has anyone tried primrose oil as im thinking of giving it a try

02-08-09, 16:22
oooh, pms and anxiety..
I was on holiday two weeks ago - unbeknownst to me I had very bad PMS, but i was having up to three panic attacks a day and was waking up in a panic in the middle of the night - I thought I was going mad, but as soon as period started I calmed down again.
Definitely going to mention to Doc and see if she thinks there's anything that could help..