View Full Version : is this a low grade fever?

02-08-09, 04:46
i have been worrying about this for few days now

is the body temperature 37.1-37.4C (98.8-99.3F) at night considered fever? i have been checking my temperature orally for few days now and have realized that my temperature starts going over 37(98.6F) from 6pm and its at it highest around the late evening (10pm-12am). My temperature is perfectly normal in the morning and early afternoon. I remember few weeks ago i did the same thing and my temperature wouldn't go over 98.6F at night but now it does. What could be wrong? im kind of worried.

Im 19 by the way and dont exercise a lot..my room is also cool and im not wearing lots of layers..

i posted this on this medical forum and this doctor/nurse answered my post saying its a low grade fever. My mom thinks this is normal and my family doctor thinks this is normal too. But im not sure if this has been happening recently or i was like that all the time.

here is what the person on medical forum said

The temperature is lowest early in the morning and rises by night. A temperature of about 990F is generally taken as a low grade fever. This is also possible due to dehydration and anemia. Start taking more of fluids post noon and take a multivitamin pill daily. In all probability this will bring down the temperature to below 990F.

02-08-09, 08:34
hi hunny

i also check my temp several times a day just in case i got S.F. a normal oral temp is between 36.4 and 37.8 so you are fine and believe it or not completely normal. body temp does vary through out the day and we become warmest at night, something to do with chemicals!

Hope this helps


02-08-09, 09:53
when my anxiety is high for a while - my temperature goes up as well, or down, its got to do with the blood pressure i feel.

I even lost voice once and had a fever out of nowhere when i hada very bad episode of panic attacks.

Anxiety can do things you cannot even imagine. It is really crafty.

It sells the stuff wrapped up and we buy it.

If you have seen the doc and he said thats fine and you dont have any other symptoms that technically require doctor visit - Relax

02-08-09, 17:03
My temperature tends to be all over the place too. It can be anything from 35.8 to 37.2. Until a year ago when I had appendicitis I never used to bother checking it but when I started to feel hot after having my appendix out I did buy one and my temp was constantly 37.6 which my GP said was a 'low grade fever'. I was given antibiotics which did nothing and as I was having a lot of night sweats too I had a whole load of blood tests done, all of which came back fine.

I would agree that if your GP has said you are fine then you really are. The so called 'normal' temp of 37c is only a general guide and it will vary from person to person and throughout the day as has already been said.

02-08-09, 20:21
Your body temp rises of an evening naturally. 36.5- 37.2 is considered normal

02-08-09, 23:10
Hi, I do empathise as my temp is fairly eratic to say the least! I became a little obsesive about my temp last year when I had a sinus infection, even though 4 weeks of antibiotics did nothing to cure it.

I occasionally randomly check my temp and it is not abnormal for it to be 37.7.....! For a while I really panicked although to date no real cause found for it, could it be caused by anxiety???? I do worry but it does seem that my temp goes up and down without any real cause.

Let me know how you are doing.
Shep :-)

02-08-09, 23:31
Body temp rises and falls thru the day. Stop taking your temp. You are looking for a cause you will not find because it does not exist and your HA will fill in the blanks with all kinds of terrible stuff.

05-08-09, 22:38
Hi, yep you are right. Stop taking temperature because you feel you should. If you are really poorly you will know it.... :winks:

This is a self taught piece of advice.... :whistles:

06-08-09, 07:39
That's really normal at night (as has been said) esp if you're female and are on the second half of your cycle (read: after ovulation/before your period). Your body temp tends to go up a degree after you ovulate and then drops a degree after your period starts. Other normal causes for slightly raised temps include:

Eating a big meal
Drinking warm liquids
Taking a hot shower/bath
Hot weather/Hot room

All of those very normal things can raise your temp a full degree. That is why they tell you to refrain all of the above for at least 30 minutes to an hour before taking your temp.

All my doctors have told me (I'm in the U.S) that temps aren't considered "abnormal" unless they are over 99.6f (A full degree higher than "average").