View Full Version : Just started citalopram

Andrew d
02-08-09, 09:23
Hi everyone, been browsing this forun since wednesday when i plucked up the courage to go and see the doc about the way i was feeling. I panic about money, work and letting my family down. I was not eating feeling sick no energy etc all not good when your a heating engineer. I went with my wife for support, and spoke with him and he put me on 20mg of cit to start with, took the 1st one about 15 minutes after getting home. The side affects were bad did not feel ok at all and the following morning was the same, still went work but only on auto pilot. After reading the forum and speaking to the doc went down to 10mg, so that is where i am now. Not eating at all really just little bits in the evenings and feeling sick/heaving in the mornings feelin weak and tired. Hope to try and keep this up to date if i can, hopefully show me improve. Any tips and comments will be appreciated.

02-08-09, 09:47
hey hun getting onto citalopram is usually always lowsy .after first week it should start to get better .eat dry toast for sicky feeling and means you are eating something.also i was on 10mg then went up to twenty and it was fine ..now three months on iam coming out other end more positive and less panicky so stick it out will be worth it x

02-08-09, 21:27
Hi Andrew

Stick it out mate. The side effects if any will only last a few days. It takes about 10-14 days to feel any better but once they kick in you will feel good.
I myself started on 20mg and ok i had a few side effects for the first 3-4 days and then they went. It takes a while for your body to get used to them but please bear in mind that some of the effects youre feeling could be from your anxiety and not the tablets as is the case with the majority of sufferers.

Wish you all the best

Andrew c

02-08-09, 22:09
Wish i could agree with the above posts mate but hey were all different! Good luck feel free to pm me anytime have had 15 years of citalopram....
Take it easy

02-08-09, 22:34
15 years of citalopram....

Phew, I used to panic thinking I might go bad again once I stopped taking these tablets, didn't realised some have been taking them for so long,

02-08-09, 23:08
Welcome to the citalopram adventure.

Your appetite may return to normal soon. I found mine was normal after about 10 days on citalopram and then my appetite and thirst increased for a week or two as if to make up for the food and drink I had missed.

Andrew d
03-08-09, 07:34
Well been awake for two hours now, off to work in ten mins. Stomach churning with the odd heaving spell, throat feels all dry and i feel twitchy. This now being day six, not sure if i can cope on these tablets, i just dont know what to do :weep:

Andrew d
03-08-09, 09:13
Well dtied to drive to work this morning but i think i had a panic attack, hands and legs locked up could not speak properly herat beating ten to the dozen, eyes feeling fuzzy and just not nice. Managed make it work, then told the boss lucky he understands but im in no fit state to drive a work van. Sat at home now eyes still feelin twitchy and hands little crampy now and again, also stomach is full of butterflies! Got appointmant with doc at dinner, see what he says whether stay on these tabs or not.

03-08-09, 13:54
This is quite normal when you first start on them ,perhaps the DR can give you some Diazapam for a couple of weeks which will help .Learn some deep breathing techniques to help with the Panic ,it will really help control them .All this does pass ,We are here if you need support .Sue:hugs:

Andrew d
05-08-09, 20:21
Well just to update i went to the docs and they changed me onto Sertraline 100mg per day but 50mg at a time ie one morning one evening. Woke up at half four on tuesday morning shaking and red hot could not sleep, was the same all day. Got in touch with the docs again and got some diazepam, 5mg upto three times a day for a few weeks until the sertraline starts workin. Just had my 1st meal now and feeling a little better.

05-08-09, 20:47
Hope you feel ok in the morning ,was glad your Dr gave you something to ease the side effects .It will take a few days for the cit to leave your body and the sert to kick in .Did he sign you off of work ? Take care and drink plenty of water .Sue x