View Full Version : embarrassed to go to docs?

02-08-09, 13:30
Does anybody else feel really embarrassed to walk into the doctors room again? i feel like when i walk in he thinks oh god here she is again, i am going to book an apointment for tomorrow about feeling so dizzy and lightheaded and feel really ashamed for going one minute i talk myself out of going then i think i should ive questioned my hubbie all day as to whether he thinks i should. I have got my first councelling session tomorrow but i think its going to be more of an assesment. Should i go to that first or go to docs?
Really dont know whether its a valid reason to go :-(

02-08-09, 14:53
Hi Rebecca

I used to think like this also hun. I had spent more times visiting my gp that its a wonder i wasnt on there xmas card list. I even know all the nurses in the surgery by thier first names..lol.

Anyway, my mum is a nurse and she told me that everytime a GP has an appointment/consultation he gets paid for it, so i geuss the more patients he sees the more money he makes ! So i wouldnt be worried about what your doctor thinks hun, he will probably be pleased to see you.:)

Hope that helps


02-08-09, 15:20
Hey Hun don't worry about I'm the same, I keep seeing different doc to avoid embarassment, but they see my notes so not sure why I bother- I have a app tmw about possible uti & I have my cbt assesment the following day too! LOL

02-08-09, 15:31
sorry to sound a bit stupid but what is uti?