View Full Version : Mole! Please help me!!!

02-08-09, 19:24
I have a mole on my back that feels dryish and i'm so scared about it. I cant eat sleep or do anything i feel like i'm falling apart. Please help me i need someone to talk to desperately.

02-08-09, 19:41
Hi there

The best thing to do is to pop along to your GP who can examine it and may take photos etc so they can see if it changes.

He may refer you on to someone depending on its shape, size etc.

Most moles are perfectly harmless and can be removed if necessary so don't worry about it too much.

02-08-09, 19:47
I've got an appointment for Tuesday morning but am going to try and get in tomorrow. I just cant face another night not sleeping and having chest pains etc. I'm nearly crying writing this just cant control it.

03-08-09, 14:23
i am having the same problem i am so scared and keep crying looking on the net is making me worse i keep saying to myself jus have a look to help u see a abnormal mole but i see one and i just think it looks like one of mine :-( i have 3 that i dont like the look of 2 on my legs and one dark raised one on my neck.Im going to go to the doctors tomorrow too i am so so scared she is goin to turn to me n say it looks cancerous :-( i lost my dad 4 years ago and i have no brothers n sisters (im 22) n i worry how my mum would cope if it turned out i had cancer.my mum's mum got burnt once on her face many years ago and then a year or 2 ago had a sore on her face that wouldnt heal which turned out to be cancerous....she had it removed and has been fine ever since so i think to myself so its in the family so i should keep out of the sun but i go through phases where i think oh il be fine and il use the sunbeds for a couple weeks then guilt takes over and i start worrying.recently when i thought these moles look abnormal iv come to the conclusion for my own piece of mind i will stay out of the sun whatever the outcome.The way my grandma's bled n didnt heal for months before she went with it and her being completley fine i hope is some comfort to you it is to me sometimes but then i think its not one im worrying about its 3....none of which itch or bleed...ones raised n dark n about 4mm,ones light brown put has a pointy bit n thats about 5mm n the other is like 4mm n has light n dark brown :-( im in such a mess about them its all i think about.

i hope you get seen to and your mind is at rest but your not on your own :-)