View Full Version : Tingling lips and mouth

02-08-09, 19:58
Im new here and would really appriciate some advice.
Ive had a terrible month. lots of stress and anxiety due to a big family bust up. I felt very poorly last week. Nearly fainted a few times, felt sick. Depression and suicidal thoughts(not that I would go through with it due to my beautiful 2 half year old daughter :-)) and all day today ive had tingling on my lips, around my mouth on my chin and cheeks, gums and tongue. Feels like a coldsore is coming, or just after a dentist visit and the anesthetic is wearing off, but its not numb.
Does anyone have any idea what it could be?
Im a wreck at the mo.

Thanks in advance for ANY advice

03-08-09, 20:50
Not sure but I had the same thing about 2 weeks ago and it was driving me crazy, also I ended up with a sore throat so I went to get checked and I ended up having strep throat, so I don't know if that is why my face and lips and tongue were tingling and burning or if it was anxiety of not feeling well....hope this helps a little.