View Full Version : panic attack

03-08-09, 01:21
i hate this i tried so much to get over this, but failed every day i hv this attack, it is driving me crazy, i hate the feeling of unsteadiness, giddy, dizzy, lght headed, out of balance, it cause me to panic more and lose myself, i hate it when i can't focus, sometimes while talking suddenly my brain shut down, i lost there, i can't focus myself, i feel i am not there, or lost, or brain is so strain tight and can't think, then myheart beat so so fast and i can'tbreathe, i hate this feeling, my chest pain,tight. what is wrong, how to stop all this once and for all?im so fed up with everything, with my job, work, buti love my life as wife and mum. now i hv high cholesterol , it upsetting me badly

03-08-09, 08:53
well your lucky you can go to work so you are not as bad as you think many people cant work with this illness

03-08-09, 09:07
Im not putting your feelings down Alba but like gypsy says ' youre lucky to be able to function enough to work ' Try relaxation and deep breathing slowly when you get an attack ............good luck with it xx

03-08-09, 12:52
You dont seem to be doing anything to help yourself Alba .All you do is complain of your symptoms .Do you have a relaxation cd you can play ? you need to learn some deep breathing techniques to help you when you have these attacks .Many people have replied to your endless posts ,but you never seem to take the advice people kindly give you. Im sorry if this comes across as being uncaring ,but its pointless just writing posts if you dont attempt to help yourself in any way .Nothing will ever change unless you do . I think a lot of your anxiety is work related ,have you tried to find another job ? I know this isnt easy ,but I do think you would feel the benfit if at all possible .All the Best Sue x

03-08-09, 14:16
Just to say that just because Alba is able to work it does not mean that she is able to function properly. I am 34 and have had panic attacks/anxiety since my school days but i did have two part time time jobs up until a few years ago but i felt i couldn't cope with it but felt i couldn't give work up as i had bills to pay etc. Alba, if you are going your doctors like i did about your panic attacks and you are not being taken seriously then i think you need to see another doctor and get a second opinion and get them to refer you to your local mental health team. It took me to have a complete nervous breakdown and a short term alcohol problem for my doctor to take me seriously. I also know what it is like to have the symptoms you describe and it is really frightening and it feels like it is never ending.

03-08-09, 14:25
I applaud Alba for working still as I never gave up work when I suffered really badly with panic attacks.

It is hard work but can be done so let's not say she can't be that bad cos she is working cos some of us have to carry on working despite how ill we are or we can't afford to keep our homes etc.

05-08-09, 01:12
last night i got a very bad dream and when i wake up in this morning, i feel so goggry, tired, sleepy, and my heart is beating so so fast, it scared me.

anyway i am trying to get on with life as hard as i can, as now i am diagnosed with high cholersterol, high bp wow i am so in stress, and anxiety and really affected me so much, every minute i feel so unsafe, all i want is to stop working and rest but without work i 'v no money so i just got to get on, for now, it is really making me stress, mad and sick. i am so lost. everyday is maddness busy rushing for home and work.

05-08-09, 01:13
i don't know why nowadyas i cannot catch my breathe, so difficult to breathe and if i want to breathe i must open up my chest so big then got air, if not i feel so congested and can't breathe, why? and i feel i can't catch mybreathe, i hv to yawn so widely then can breathe, sometimes i must work hard to breathe.

05-08-09, 03:15
why my eyes so blury, watery and so blur , can't see. so scary.

05-08-09, 03:46
I am 30 years old and I have been batteling panic disorder since I was 6 years old. I know that we are from differnt countries but try going on google and type in (Lucinda Basset, center for anxiety) she has a who list of tapes and CD's you can buy, they are a little pricy, but I would be able to function as a now... mother, wife, and teacher. These tapes got me through the hardest times in my life. Let me know if you can pull up her website, otherwise I can send it to you!
Take care : )

05-08-09, 08:15
have you had your throid checked it could be its low ,,i understand you have to work ,,i wish i could as i think it would elp,, you must see docter your symtoms seem bad you need help :hugs:

07-08-09, 01:26
last night it attacked me so badly, i nearly faint, i felt so out of balance, giddy, dizzy and nto well, i knew it is coming. before that i argue with my mum abt me hating my work, job, she forced me to like my job but i hate my job, then i got this dizzy feeling aftetr tat, then i feel so scared, worried and dizzy. i hate this. i can't breathe, i feel i hate everything and everybody, cos i feel everything is not fair to me. everybody treat me unfair.am i mad?

10-08-09, 12:41
No you are not as i feel people treat me unfairly as well. I know exactly what it is like to be forced to go to work as my parents were like that as well. It is only since i had the breakdown 3 years ago that my parents have had to accept that i have mental health problems. I hope things get better for you soon x

10-08-09, 16:51
Hello Alba,

I remember when you first started posting and your doc checked your blood and found you were anaemic. I am presuming you are on medication for this? You must understand the slow progress when it comes to anaemia. ALL of the symptoms you describe are also symptoms of anaemia. Anaemia causes problems with your nerves due to the protection of iron/b12 being depleted in your system. The main symptoms suffered are dizziness, fatigue, panic attacks, aches and pains, confusion, poor memory, poor attention span, pins and needles in your hands and feet etc.... this is mostly due to the fact there is not enough oxygen in your blood. Once you are aware that the symptoms you are experiencing are nothing other than symptoms of treatable anaemia you should feel a little calmer. Unfortunately, it takes a long long time to sufficiently correct anaemia. It is important in the meantime to eat healthily and try and stay calm. The more you stress, the more your body goes into the fight or flight process, which further drains your iron stores leaving you again deficient. If I were you I would read up on anaemia. The more you know, the more you can keep your panic in check and the sooner you will start feeling better. Anaemia is not scarey. It is VERY common. Do not over stress. I know its easier said than done, but maybe to read up on it would ease the anxiety. Chin up lass. You will be ok xxx