View Full Version : feel so ill and so fed up of it

03-08-09, 10:55
as from previous posts some people have read ive had an upset stomache for ages now which isnt going away,ive also lost my appetite completly yesterday i had a glass of wine and was sick ,prob cos nothing inside me so i went to bed and have felt sick all night and on the loo, this morning im al shaky and dizzy aswell as nauseas wondering if its something bad now im really scared:weep: are these all symptoms of anxiety or am i on my way out now im scared to go to the dr incase he says it is something bad stupid i know

anx mum
03-08-09, 11:22
Hi hun sorry 2 hear ur not feeling good i too have had bad stomach for the past few weeks doc says it ibs which is anxiety related. Bev x

03-08-09, 11:43
hi mand
try to stop worrying u will make it worse it will be ibs caused by anx . try to drink some water an eat a little toast to keep u hydrated . u could try the docs cos they do have meds for ibs .
keep your chin up

03-08-09, 12:39
It is probably the anxiety amanda. It can do horrible things to the digestion system which would make you think it was something more serious.
As Sandra said, try a little toast or some crackers, just try and get something inside you and do drink as much as you can if possible.

take care


03-08-09, 12:49

03-08-09, 13:22

Im the same just now. Its like if it were an issue that we were anxious about and it was resolved quickly....something about money or usual worries ....then we would probably recognise that was why we felt yuck bit it seems like this long term anxiety is so constant for us that its there all the time and we take it as normal and forget that it isnt normal to feel on edge and keyed up for so long!!

Guess our bodies dont forget though!!


03-08-09, 15:28
thank you for the replies ive just managed to eat half a sandwich ,and fingers crossed its stayed in so far tmi sorry , hate feeling like this xx

03-08-09, 15:33
Hi Amanda.
Ive been feeling the same for over a month now, i've lost abit weight because of it too. It is all anxiety, it's just telling yourself that which is the hard part!

03-08-09, 16:20
Hey amanda x
Very simliar to you normally when im really bad with anxiety first thing that goes is my tummy and its horrid. Doc said it was IBS brought on by anxiety even tho it stil worries me even knowing it. Great advice above. I take mebrevine for my tummy which you can buy over the counter. Pop into the chemists and talk to them. Hope this helps...x

04-08-09, 12:57
ty for the replies i will try to get mebravine at the chemist , maybe baby ive replies to your post aswell as i didnt see this till a minute ago thanks both of you


04-08-09, 16:22
I have exactly the same symptoms that you describe when my anxiety is at its worse. It is a really horrible feeling so I can sympathise. When I am like this I lose weight because I can't bring myself to eat anything and anything I do eat goes straight through me. But these feelings will pass. In a few days I'm sure you'll start to feel better. In the meantime, as other posters have said, drink plenty of water and eat regular small meals or snacks, and try to rest and relax (if that is at all possible!). Take Care :hugs:

04-08-09, 16:37
thanks rachel im glad to know im not alone even though i wouldnt wish anyone to go through this thanks again