View Full Version : Dizziness

03-08-09, 12:42
For the last week I have felt really dizzy and my eyes feel strange. Feel like im stood at the top of a building looking down. Little bit scared by it. Ive had my eyes checked recently and been given new glasses, but that was about 3 months ago, so I dont think its my signt. Any suggestions? I eat a fair amount of sugar so I dont think its low blood sugar, and Ive been checked and Im not diabetic. I had low iron, but i think thats improved a lot, but even when that was at its worst, it didnt make me dizzy. Cant keep going back to the doc, they tell me its all in the mind, but I certainly cant explain the dizziness. :(

05-08-09, 07:06
I Woke this morning with my head spinning and it wouldn't go away. It lasted for about 4 hours, and I still feel a little off. Boy did that bring up some of the symptoms that I though I had conquered. Pinching pain in my left arm, and chest, muscle twitches, uneasy thoughts of it being MS or my heart and eminent death.

Is it a common symptom of anxiety to wake up dizzy?

05-08-09, 19:11
I really dont know. Ive been dizzy 24 hours a day. I hope its nothing scary.

05-08-09, 19:44
I've been getting dizziness on and off for the last couple of weeks. When it happens, it's there the whole day. Other days I can be fine.

I'm not sure it's the anxiety though or the stuff I'm going through with the stomach and/or the ranitidine I've been taking for it (though I'm off that at the moment so I can do a test for Helicobacter pylori). Had the dizzy stuff throughout today but none of the classic anxiety symptoms I usually get like tense arms, tingling hands, pains in the arms, etc.

It's a weird dizzy feeling really. It's like the feeling of a hangover with a dull dizzy head but without a headache.

05-08-09, 20:13
When i get anxious my neck, head and shoulders tense up - When this happens I get dizzy all the time - think its where the muscles tighten and prevent as much oxygen getting to the brain. I also hyperventilate which can cause dizzyness.

06-08-09, 10:34
this is really stressing me out now. doesnt seem to be any better. i feel slightly nauseous too. i cant go back to the doctor again. im so scared its something frightening.

06-08-09, 16:34
i cant go back to the doctor again
Well, I'd argue you can, but if the current doctor is not doing anything for you, then you may need to see another doctor. You are free to do that. Remember that it's a cost saving to the NHS if you are popping into the doctor's instead of ending up in A&E with a major panic attack (and it's less stress on yourself). Don't be put off by discouragement from the receptionist either.

Have you been offered any options at all, or just been sent on your way?

Have you read the articles on the left of this site by the way? Dizzyness is an anxiety symptom and anxiety is a treatable condition (with some effort on your behalf). The doctor needs to first check if it's anxiety or something else, and if it's anxiety they should be offering solutions to relieve the symptoms and/or counselling, CBT, etc.

As you say you're now nauseous, it's worth going to the doctor's to check that out as it's a new symptom. I started getting that and the thought was it was excess stomach acid caused by anxiety, and got some meds to help.

p.s. one thing on the glasses, a different prescription could cause problems. I wear contacts and my prescription changed a while back and it's been causing a lot of eye strain at work. I've had to give up the contacts for now and go back to my glasses which are on an older prescription.

06-08-09, 16:46
id go back to the doctors if i wasyou as it could be simple as an inner ear infection,,,i get this loads,, the room spins,,,and i feel sick,, go and get checked put your mind at rest,,,

06-08-09, 16:54
Sound like an inner ear infection to me too.
The thing is, if it's an inner ear ifection it can't be seen just by looking in your ear.
Either way, you have to go back to your and doctor and get them to check it out. There's things they can do to lessen the symptoms

06-08-09, 19:18
It could be many things as a lot can make you dizzy. Ear infections are one possibility, though common.


My on and off dizziness, I'm not sure. As I've got a stomach thing going on which I'm being treated for it could be that. Could be the drugs I'm on. Or it could be the related anxiety. But yeah, could even be I've got an ear infection on top of the stomach thing, or the two are related.

Anyway, the way I'm dealing with it at the moment is to say to myself, "whatever" and get on with things. Seems to work quite well as if I'm busy I'm not dizzy.

06-08-09, 20:00
hey do you notice at the time of your dizziness that you feel pressure in your head or that when your stressed or feeling depressed you get dizzy more. How about your blood pressure does it go up too? Yesterday i went to the doctors and every time i go there i want my blood pressure to be low but of course when i got there i went to the wrong parking lot so i had to rush to the office and when i went in i felt dizzy and uncomfortable. the nurse took my blood pressure with the machine one and it was high she said no it cant be that high so she took it with the manuel one and go a reading of 120/88 thats high for me. Anyway just wondering if having anxiety every little thing can trigger it. I never feel good always having head issues