View Full Version : getting over anxiety my attempt

03-08-09, 14:54
i dont want to take my medication as it worries me way too much, i read some where that if u get a nice old fit n healthy diet and exercise it can help ur anxiety alot, is this true?

i was on job seekers but they have cancelled it as i am too scared to go the job centre after having a panic attack there so i no have no money at all i was due to pay 2 direct debits today aswell recently my brand new camera was worth bout 200 i got for my 21st from my gran parents has been robbed from my own house and i am feeling so down about these things, they (the jobcentre ppls) say go the doctors but its about 4 miles away and i dont drive :(

i am changing my diet gunna start doing at least an hours of exrcersise a day really hope it works! any advice will be extremely apreciated

03-08-09, 15:39
I am kind of in the same situation.
My anxiety seems to have took a turn for the worst the last month or so, and its getting me really down. I'm far to paranoid about taking meds, and i've just started seeing a councilor for CBT.
I'm on jobseekers to, but i always have a friend or family member come to the jobcentre with me, as i find it pretty much impossible getting on a bus and making my own way there! - Do you not have somebody who can go with you?

I think this exercise thing is a really good idea. I'm due to start a yoga class (mainly because i'm OVER focussed on my breathing) and i have started drinking around about 2 liters of water per day, which is helping too.

Good luck & Take care :) xx

03-08-09, 19:46
yes my breathing is like 80% the reason of my anxiety its crazy :(

03-08-09, 20:11

I had a very similar case to you both as when my anxiety was at its strongest point about 2 years ago, I was terrified of going on medication. I tried everything that was suggested to me such as camomile tea, rescue remedy, eating dark chocolate (instead of milk), exercise and stopped drinking coffee. They each in turn did help me although I did end up going on medication for a while, but I'm off it again now. Medication isn't right for everyone and you have to do whatever is right for you. Try those things that I've mentioned above (if you haven't already) to see if they help. Good luck and I hope things start to improve for you.

Much luv x x x

04-08-09, 17:02
Have you asked if you can maybe have income support? I am on that and have been for a year. I go for a medical twice a year and they say if I'm fit to work. At the moment I am not so am signed off sick by them. May be worth asking the job centre if you are eligible for it as you can't survive with no money. I was doing this for years until my Dr and councellor talked me into benefits and it has helped me a lot until I am fit to work as that is what I want to do more than anything