View Full Version : My worst panic attack ever:(

03-08-09, 15:33

Not posted on there for a while because I have been doing a lot better lately, managing to hold down a job and have some kind of social life. Although my panic attacks came back with a vegance last night and i feel like its knocked me back to square one:(

Had a really rough night saturday night, didnt get in until the early hours of the morning and im ashamed to admit it did a lot of binge drinking. Remember coming back throwing up and passing out in my bed:S Normally i get terrible hangovers accompanied with increased anxiety but I can normally tell myself its due to the drink and calm myself down. I was laid in bed watching something on my laptop and just started feeling really strange (i already felt very nauseous) I cant describe it but i just felt like I was detached and didnt understand who I was or where I was anymore, I felt like I needed to runaway from myself even though I was trapped in my own head:S It felt much worse than any attack ive had before and I was convinced Id been spiked the night before, i was freaking out!

My mam came back and I was in such a state she had to call an ambulance, I was so out of it that I just wanted to be put out of my misery:( The ambulance men were lovely and tried to get me breathing properly, I was shaking uncontrollably and really disorientated. They took me into the back of the ambulance and did some blood tests and heart monitors on me, I had slightly raised blood pressure and heart rate.

I ended up been taken to the hospital, and the anxiety was coming in waves for a few hours and I kept throwing up. The doctor couldn't find anything physically wrong with me so I was sent home the same night. I had to take half a valium to calm me down enough to sleep:(.

Its the next day and I feel awful, anxious and mentally exhausted. I feel ashamed for having to be put into an ambulance and I'm still scared that this wasnt just a normal panic attack but a sign of me going insane or something, I was convinced I was going to be put into a strait jacket at any moment. i dont want to lose my job or my life I've worked so hard to have.......just need some reassurance because it's really shaken me up:(


03-08-09, 16:08

It could have been just a normal panic attack like you would normally have but it was hightened by the amount of alcohol and maybe the sleepness night from coming in late etc...

I feel when im tired and havnt slept my symptoms are way way way worse.

And I shouldnt worry about the ambulance hun - its better to be safe than sorry. The nice men dont mind they were just doing their job

Take care now xxx

03-08-09, 22:05
sorry to tell you, but alcohol and anxiety don't alway mix well the next day...i can drink a glass or two, but if i get hammered, the next day can be awful...i also had the worst panic attack of my life the day after a long night out...

as for going crazy...you are not...anxiety and crazy are two different things

give yourself sometime to cool down and relax, and sometime later, you might also want to explore what it is about "going crazy" that makes you fear it... it will undoubtedly be distorted

nothing in and of itself is fearful, its your thoughts about it that scare you

04-08-09, 00:16

It does sound like it happened due to the amount of alcohol you had.

I no i can only have a couple of drinks. Anymore than that and my anxiety goes high.

Hope u are feeling better now.

love mandie x

05-08-09, 20:26
Hi, just to let you know you are not alone, I have had panic attacks at night a few times a week recently some have been lasting for up to 2 hours, so bad that i cant do anything with myself. I have booked a councelling session for CBT which i would recommend, ive also been doing at home hypnotherapy

07-08-09, 21:25
Sounds pretty much the same as me. If i go overboard and have too many drinks then im the same as you the next day. Not feeling quite "here", anxious, confused and thinking crazy stuff. Feels like i'm losing my mind some times.

I ended up in hospital the first time i over did it cos i didnt have a clue what was wrong with me.

Alcohol definitly makes things worse the next day. Ive sort of learned my limit and have been a lot better in the last few months. Sonetimes i stilll get episodes of anxiety and/or panic but they arent anywhere near what ive had over the past year.

09-08-09, 02:34
hey everyone,

thanks for all the reassurances. its a week later and I'm still struggling with the anxiety come down (derealisation, depression etc) but I'm slowly getting back to *normal*. I went out last night and only had three drinks all night and was so proud of myself, I've come to realise that most of my bad panic attacks in the last couple of years have been related to drink and I think I need to knock the binge drinking on the head because it does my anxiety no good! (hence why I'm writing on where on a saturday night and not out drinking! lol) xx

marge simpson
09-08-09, 18:22
hi sweet,

i get that aswell, a feeling that your not really there, it comes half from being drunk and then made worse by anxiety. it s one of the worst symptoms because you really do feel like your going mad and i cant sit still either, if i do that then it feels like i am really uncomfortable in my own body and makes me start to panic more. have u cpletely given up on boozy nights out then? if you have well done, in a way i want to aswell coz i cant stand that feeling but in a way i dont because i will really miss getting drunk with my friends. I no that sounds shallow and i should put my health first but i always hav such a laff when we go out drinking and it just wont be the same sober. you must no wot i mean? anyway let me know how u get on.

luv clare xxx:)