View Full Version : worrying dreams at night and ongoing HA

03-08-09, 17:23
Hi guys i am new to this website and i am glad i have found it because it seems alot of people feel like i do. i suffer with bad HA and its doing my head in. It has been going on for about 4 months now and still struggling to come to terms with it seeing as im only 23 and its never happened before. I have had several panic attacks and have alot of symptoms of anxiety. I have been worrying about my heart alot but a recent health check with bupa confirmed my heart is healthy (still worry tho) I have seen several GPs now and had alot of blood tests which come back clear. Recently i have been having very morbid dreams where im dying of some disease or a blood clot to the brain this is very scary and i will tell my GP tomorrow about it. Does anyone else have these dreams?? If so what are they like?? There is so much more i can write but seeing as im new i dont want to overload everyone!!! Any comments would be great and hopefully reassure me.:shrug:

03-08-09, 21:20
Yes, i have recently had some dreams where i have a disease of some sort, i remember i had one the other night where i had a brain tumor, and ever since that dream i have been worrying of having one :( it sounds silly but i think my dream is telling me the truth that i actually do have a tumor. is it the same for you?

03-08-09, 22:03
Yes it is the same for me i do have dreams where i have brain seizures and im about to die. it wakes me up straight away and it takes a while to get back to sleep. i wake up in the morning and replay the dream and worry about it all day. i get pains in the head and i think its an aneyurism or brain tumour i cant seem to get these thoughts out of my head because of these dreams. you are not alone mate!!:scared15:

03-08-09, 22:06
Yeah sounds exactly like me at the moment :( (except my dreams don't wake me up) lol takes alot for me to wake up :) it first started with my breathing and my lungs (thought i had lung cancer) so rushed to the A&E and had many tests all came back clear, so know i think i have a tumor :( i hate HA

03-08-09, 22:14
I have had all the worries about my heart mate and have rushed to A+E because of chest pains had all the test and they were fine now its all sorts of things i worry about. its doing my head in and being 23 i dont know why it has struck me. im seeing the doc tomorrow to confess all and go from there. totally agree this damn HA is a pain:mad:

03-08-09, 22:22
Yeah pain in the butt :( i must of thought i had all the caners out there, and being only 18 i am sure that aint healthy lol i too am going to the doc to be asked to put on something, because i am going back to college in september and i know i need this sorted by then other wise i will mess it up.

03-08-09, 22:31
I dont think it matters what age we are i think it can happen anytime from when we are aware of all these diseases out in the world. we just need help in trying to control our thoughts which i am still in the process of doing.

Desprate Dan
03-08-09, 22:33
Yes i have suffered with dreams for years now and really dont know the answers to rid myself of them, mostly my dreams are problematic were i have a problem in life or at work or i have made a mistake and i have to solve it... Its a real pain as it wakes me up and i have a very poor sleep pattern, so i dream about work and then have to go a get up and go, its like doing a double shift, and very tireing..

03-08-09, 22:40
I am too trying to master my emotions, but as soon as i do i worry about another problem, like my breathing at first which for me meant lung caner but now i now i do not have that as i have had tests, so now my breathing is fine because i am focusing all my attention on my brain and a tumor, first thought it might be ALS because of the twitching, but now the twitching is not so bad so i think it's a brain tumor, i bet if i get a test and everything is fine, i will be worried about something different and it will continue :(

03-08-09, 22:42
HI GJW is your work that demanding that you dream about it so much? do you enjoy your job?

03-08-09, 22:43
Are you ever in a life threatening situation in your dreams like you are about to die?

03-08-09, 22:48
I don't really know lol, i dream i have something wrong with me sometimes, but i wouldnt say i was about to die, like getting shot or something, just dreams about having something seriously wrong with me. (don't know if your post was ment for me or the other guy lol but i answered anyway) it just proves that we always think about dieing because it affects out dreams when we are meant to not worry about anything.

03-08-09, 23:13
Hi, dreams tend to represent your recent thoughts and experiences (in my experience) but they can also be completely random.

It sounds like your dreams simply reflect your unconscious mind's attempts to explore, process and resolve your anxiety. So even if your dreams are scary and disturbing this is normal. It's simply your fear being represented in metaphor.