View Full Version : bad few days

03-08-09, 18:55
I'm not coping anymore. Every single day since Friday I have been worrying about carbon monoxide (yes, I know, I'm obsessed) which is now fuelled due to the fact our coooker has orange flames - cue me panicing constantly. Itt's also cutting out every so often - I'm so worried that we're going to die (my mum sister and I)

I won't let myself sleep until 1am now so that I can check my symptoms and then if I do have poisoning I can try to seek help - which I can't do if I'm sleeping!

On top of that, my mum has NEAD (non epileptic attack disorder) and over the last two days she's had a few bad attacks - I'm sure it's my problems that are making her worse, she says she's very tired and sad that I can't trust her - it's not that I don't, it's like I don't know how to trust anyone.

I've resigned myself to the fact I can no longer cope and don't know what to do - other than maybe phone NHS 24 or some other helpline; I just need someone who can listen to me? I feel so bad because my mum is trying so hard, last night she sat and read one of the self-help guides I've been given and we discussed different strategies and I felt really good, for about two hours, bt the worries just keep coming flooding back - each time worse than before.

Please help :weep:

03-08-09, 18:59
Why not get one of those carbon monoxide plug-in detectors and then you can prove to yourself that you are not getting poisoned?

You could try the No Panic telephone recovery course as well - that is a fantastic help for people.

03-08-09, 19:08
i was worried about co2 poisioning. My husband got a pack of these co2 detectors from b&q cost about £5 for 2 and now i dont worry about it as i can just check it is still orange. Its worth a fiver for peace of mind

03-08-09, 19:12
My mum won't buy the detectors and she won't let me buy one either - apparently it would make my anxiety worse - and I can't reason with her. She says it only happens to people with old appliances (only had cooker a year and a half) and so therefore it won't happen to us; but I don't think that's right.

03-08-09, 19:16
Well if it helps your peace of mind then it would be helpful to have one.

Try asking her again saying that it would reassure you more if you had one.

03-08-09, 19:23
I can't ask again; I'll just have to hope it isn't carbon monoxide we've got (considering it's only really me that feels a bitill).. My sister's fine and she's got asthma - so I presume if anything was wrong she'd feel ill faster than me.

03-08-09, 19:42
Well yes you would all be ill if it was so be reassured by that at least.

03-08-09, 20:36
Hi Daisycake

I'm sorry that you are going through such a rough time at the moment. I just wanted to say that I agree with what you said about your younger sister, and about how she would be ill if there was anything wrong. All of you would be ill with the same symptoms if it was carbon monoxide. Try to find some reassurance in that and don't give up. x x x

03-08-09, 22:03
Well it looks as if we may have reached some belief - my mum is calling out the gas man tommorow as she too is quite concerned. I am dizzy and a very slight headahcey feeling that comes and goes - my sister says she's dizzy but she's had a bad ear infection all of last week. My mum says she's tired - but I've given her a hard time today, and she took a seizure earlier. We haven't used the gas since half six now and we've had the windows open - but I'm so worried, I've said horrible things to my mum (that I didn't trust her, couldn't talk to her, didn't like her) and now I wish I could take it all back, I don't want to die not being her friend - I'm scared to go to bed incase I die in my sleep, what can I do? Do you think it's safe to go to bed?