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View Full Version : Pain in calf of leg

03-08-09, 21:03
About six months ago, I went thru a rough time, had a baby in December, went in to have tubes tied in February, and then in March got real sick and they found I still had placenta inside me. Around the same time, I got a weird pain in the back/side of my calf right below the knee. Docs sent me to hospital to have tests to make sure it wasn't a blood clot and I was told it wasn't but it could be a superficial clot which appear in the small veins and fix themselves. So the pain went away and about a month later I got it back and they sent me for another ultrasound somewhere else and they found nothing. Now this morning I awoke with the pain again, worse than before and when I feel there I can feel almost a lump....but the pain comes and goes unless I push on it then I can feel it, but if I push on the other leg in the same spot, I can feel it too....just wondering if anyone knows anything about this or if I should worry and have it checked again? Any responses would be great!