View Full Version : please read this..im really scared..im sure i have MS

03-08-09, 22:00
Well today i was walking in my room when all of a sudden I started feeling this aura in the side of my eyes. It was like this thing forming in the corner of my eyes. It was kind of like electric reactions and these electrical waves. So I started freaking out I called my Mom and im like im going blind Mom. So she told me she doesn’t think its anything serious. I had this aura and this patch in the corner of my eyes and felt like everything was dissolving. I could even see it when I closed my eyes and when I tired to stare at that spot it would just move further to the corner of my eyes. It like started from the middle and would move to corners as I tried to follow it with my eyes. It went away after 10 minutes or so but really scared me. I kind of got a headache after but its not that bad.

As you all know and have read my previous posts I have been having these muscle twitches and sharp, tingling, buzzing pain, more like electricity being connected to you on my hands, fingers, and toes. First I thought it could be related to me sitting behind the computer but its not because its all over my body.

And I just remembered something few hours ago that even freaked me out more. The first time I got a panic attack and felt my body numbed and wash rushed to hospital I had the very same symptoms few days after. Like with my vision. Isn’t that a good indication that I have MS? Because it repeats itself like every 6 months so maybe im having MS attacks. I’m pretty much convinced that I have MS and im just starting to read about people with MS, what medications can help and etc. I know I wont be able to live my life from now on with these thoughts but everything and all my symptoms match with MS so perfectly that it just cant be anxiety.

And the headache couldn’t be migraine because migraine pain is just so bad and its usually so severe that it causes nausea and stuff. What I experienced wasn’t aura caused by migraines because my head is not hurting a lot. Like I did get a headache after what happened but nothing that bad. Even if it is a migraine headache it would still be another symptom of MS. I found this on list of MS symptoms.

Headaches that are directly associated with MS have been described as: Often preceded by an aura (blurry or distorted vision signaling that a headache is about to begin) or prodrome symptoms (including fatigue, hunger or anxiety)

I mean how can I not think about having MS with all these symptoms. I don’t want to be a kid and try to get peoples attention but I really have no one to talk to and here is the only place and I can talk to people. If I told my girlfriend about this she would make fun of me and tell me stop being such a kid you don’t have MS and you don’t have anxiety. You are just trying to make things up. If I tell my mom she would say these are all anxiety related and you don’t have MS. If I tell my doctor he would tell me not to worry. 4 days ago I went to my family doctor to get my Rabies vaccine and I told him that im really worried about MS and hes like you have a lot of other things that you need to worry about like the start of university not MS.

I know I have MS. I know this is not anxiety. This cant be anxiety. I just don’t know what to do. To be honest I don’t mind dying right now.

03-08-09, 23:29

Does sound very much like vision related migraine and these a quite common. They can result in varying degrees of headaches (from very mild to strong) and are generaly nothing to worry about.

Also sounds to me as thought a lot of your aches and pains might just be the fact that you are sitting at you pc for long periods of time (you refer to this youself at one point). Please look at the rational explainations and try not to get yourself worked up over the irrational.

You don't have MS.

04-08-09, 01:38

Does sound very much like vision related migraine and these a quite common. They can result in varying degrees of headaches (from very mild to strong) and are generaly nothing to worry about.

Also sounds to me as thought a lot of your aches and pains might just be the fact that you are sitting at you pc for long periods of time (you refer to this youself at one point). Please look at the rational explainations and try not to get yourself worked up over the irrational.

You don't have MS.

i dont know how accurate this might be but i called my brother in law and hes a doctor. I told him what happened and i told him my main concern is MS. I told him what happened today and he said that MS at your age is very unlikely. But the vision thing can't be a migraine. With a migraine people usually see flashing lights or a circle of light that doesn't move. What i experienced was kind of different. It was more like 200000 tiny particles exploding and waving through my vision. When i tried to follow it, it would move away farther to the corner of my eyes. It was like i couldn't catch it because it would move with my eyes. Anyways he told me i should wait because if it is anxiety or stress related it would pass on after few days/weeks.

I wasn't even researching MS for 2 days now when all the vision problems and needley pain in my hands started. I have been having this weird feelings in my hand, its like someone pokes my hands with a needle every few seconds and it just wouldn't stop. The muscle twitching pretty much moved from my whole body to the side that i get the sharp, needle pains. So its not all over my body anymore.

Trust me when i say this i dont like worrying about this either because its really ruining my summer but its just im having all these symptoms that match MS. I have read anxiety forums and to be honest i have read a lot about chest pains and etc but i barely see people complaining of aura vision and the kind of vision problem i got. Like tiny particles moving as you move your eyes to the sides. I usually read about blurry vision, flashing lights, eye floaters and etc. And i have never seen posts about electrical sharp pain like someone is poking you with a needle related to anxiety. I mean it can't be sitting behind computer because that would cause pain, swelling, CP, or other problems not this kind of pain. Im trying to relax and i will try not to think about it although its pretty much impossible. But im thinking of getting an MRI from my head. If it is what im thinking i just want to find out sooner before university starts because i just cant start my first year of university with all of this.

thank you Utility for posting

Veronica H
04-08-09, 08:41
:bighug1: I know it is hard to believe that anxiety can be so powerful but it can, and I have had the vision disturbance and the tingling in the hands just as you describe. I also get migraine and know the difference. I am certain that this will pass, but not until you can accept that you are actually keeping the cycle going by worrying about it constantly....this is the hard part. Have you tried the Dr Weekes materials from the NMP shop? They will bring you some comfort if you have not.


04-08-09, 14:45
also - i'm not sure who you spoke with about this or what type of doc your BIL is, but speaking to a neurologist will rest your fears. i have this EXACT visual disturbance and yes it is a migraine aura. the first few times i got them i did not even get a headache, only the visual disturbance (this is called silent migraine) and sometimes i get a headache after but only slight. migraines do NOT have to be severe, in many people they are not even close. i suffer migraines weekly and have never once (touch wood) had one of those severe debilatating ones. and you have described actually the most typical presentation of migraine aura. it can start as a small patch in your vision then spreads progressively outward to the corners and you can see it even with your eyes closed, and it moves when you look at it. i went to a neurologist with these symptoms as i was terrified and he said it is classic migraine, absolutely typical migraine aura. you've described it to a T.

these links might help:


04-08-09, 15:39
Ibiza -- I would like to try and allay your fears here if I can. First of all, you can have what is called "silent migraines" which can also have the aura attached but with no real pain. Sometimes I get that prior to a headache and I was told it was migraine related.

My father and now mother both had/have MS. The symptoms you have described is nothing like what they went through or are going through. In fact, I was once worried about it (the odds of me having it are more than yours) but a doctor told me one of the first signs is incontinence or not being able to get to the bathroom on time. Plus, you could be losing your balance a lot. If you are falling a lot, then you need to get that checked out. My mother had eye trouble prior to her diagnosis -- her eyesight kept getting progressively worse on one side. No auras about it. It took years to finally figure it out -- and how did they finally? On Mother's Day she went to see my grandparents and fell. After extensive testing, she found out she had MS. My father, though, I don't know what he went through because I never got to live with him. He had the progressive kind, though, that is mainly seen in males. Yet, in spite of it all, he kept his sense of humor.

Back in December I had an MRI done of my brain and the neurologist told me I didn't have MS. I was concerned because I had been dizzy a lot and I did get occasional numbness here and there and so forth. Everything was chocked up to anxiety. Just remember, this is something you are worried about. Worry causes anxiety, and anxiety will give you symptoms. And, if you are this aware of the symptoms of MS, your body will be kind enough to mirror those for you to scare you even more. I tell you , our bodies are our good friends, but our thoughts can be our enemies. They turn everything upside down. Sounds as if you are experience the hampster wheel -- worrying about MS = anxiety= symptoms = more anxiety = intensified symptoms -- and you can't get off the ride. You did do the right thing by speaking with your doctor about it, and you should be reassured that if your doctor isn't concerned, you are fine. What we health anxiety sufferers need to learn to do is focus on the positive stuff -- it is hard because we always feel the need to KNOW FOR CERTAIN. We never will, that's the thing. We just do our best and really, with our anxiety chances are we have a better chance of catching things early so they can either be cured or get the meds we need to keep things from getting worse because we are so in tune with our bodies, unlike someone who doesn't bat an eye at unusual symptoms. There are many times I so wish I could be like that, but then again, this can be our advantage. Again, something positive. ;)

Forgive me for asking, but I am curious why you are getting Rabies shots. I had to get them years ago after a Rabid cat bit me -- and believe me, THAT sent me into a tailspin! -- Sorry to hear you are having to get those. No fun. But, I hope you will be through with them soon.

Anyway, I really think you are just fine and are letting this get the best of you. It is easily done. Just focus on the positive -- sometimes that helps light the way through this dark tunnel. Hugs, Wiskers ~

04-08-09, 15:40
P.S. I need to make a correction -- I didn't know what my father went through in the beginning to make him undergo the testing and such; but I did know what he went through with the disease as it progressed. I ended up contradicting myself and I wanted to try and make better sense. :)

04-08-09, 15:44
P.P.S I just read your post about talking to your brother in law. I think you are going through the vision component, then, of anxiety (although as stated I have been told auras can be the beginning of migraines). Have you seen your eye doctor for a check up yet? I would do that next. He or she can be very reassuring. Once you find out your eyes are healthy, then you certainly know your nerves are acting up and causing these disturbances in your vision.

Ok, I think i am done now! ha! :)

04-08-09, 19:59
i got another silent migraine or what ever its called today, this time lasting longer than 30 min..and now i have this really bad headache and i move my head or go up/down the stairs..is it normal to never have migraines and start getting them everyday out of no where? everytime i get this i start freaking out thinking it will last forever..today it was much worse and it was like i stared at people face but couldnt see them because i was seeing this particles, electrons moving all over my vision thats the chemistry way of describing it..its like electrons hitting each other and causing a shattered kind of thing in my vision..and once again it would go away to the corners as i tried to follow it with my eyes..could worrying and anxiety cause these migraines? like i have been worrying a lot over my health in the past few weeks im thinking maybe it could be related...

also today im not having the needle feeling in my hands which is something thats making me feel a little less worried because if it was MS related it wouldn't get better in two days...

i also got my 4th Rabies shot today and the doctor who gave me the vaccine was a new doctor (my family doctor is gone for few weeks , vacation i think) so i told him about all my symptoms and said that could they be related to the vaccine? she said very unlikely. I also told her about my MS worries and she said MS usually manifests itself with the numbed feeling..like you drop things, you wake up with numbed body and stuff..

wiskersonkittens: i was too bitten by a stray cat that didnt have rabies, at least thats what i believe but the doctor told me you should be on the safe side and take the vaccines any ways..i just got my day 7 shot today and have to take another two..i dont really mind it..im not really scared of needles and stuff what exactly scared you about the vaccine?

04-08-09, 22:04
I think migraines can be triggered by stress, I know I only get them when very stressed, with months or years passing in between a spate of them. I usually got flashing lights, but I think I know what you mean with the 'electron scattering' thing... does it happen when you move your head fast?

Try and remember that your mind is very powerful, and can create symptoms like tingling, visual disturbances, headaches, etc. without there being anything actually physically wrong. I've been telling myself recently 'my mind is creating this, the mind is a very powerful thing' etc. and it seems to help!

I've worried about lots of things, MS was one of the scariest because the anxiety-created symptoms feel so real. You're right, MS wouldn't just get better in 2 days.

I hope you start to feel better about this soon, hope the migraines stop!
Pd x

05-08-09, 04:54
my migraines will be like 5 days in a row when i'm stressed OR when i dwell on the auras. when i relax they seem to go away and then there can be weeks or months between them.

05-08-09, 12:30
HI! Yes, anxiety/stress can cause migraines, and they can last if you are a "checker." You know how when you wake up the symptom you worried about the day before seems to be gone -- but then you check yourself and lo and behold it is back??? Those are the worst! I literally had a headache for 2 weeks once -- because I read about what happened to singer Laura Branigan. I went to the doctor and he reassured me it was muscular and, of course, he was right. It went away after I got the reassurance.

Check out this website -- www.anxietycentre.com (http://www.anxietycentre.com) and read their list of symptoms. You won't believe it!!!! It is my favorite website -- it is my "google" for symptoms. :) I have had at least 90-95% of these sympoms at one time or another.

The Rabies vaccine in itself didn't bother me, for I, too, am not afraid of needles and I have a pretty good pain threshold, but the cat that bit me WAS Rabid and I was terrified of that deadly disease floating around in me. I had my "what ifs" thinking that literally drove me nuts. My legs went numb for a couple of weeks (thanks to my "checking") and I slept all the time to avoid my fears. It was awful. Looking back, I felt ashamed and stupid for my reaction, but after my grandmother died last year I had a nervous breakdown and I realized that is how I responded to traumatic/frightening events. I just had to accept that part of me. I guess that is the first step in getting better, eh? :) Hugs, Wiskers ~

05-08-09, 16:40
I just came accross this by typing in my symptoms into google. You are explaining in every detail EXACTLY what has been happening to me. It happened about a year ago, and I freaked out massively. But then never happened again. But in the last week its happened 3 times, and I'm on here now because its starting again!
Did you hear anything from any good sources to put your mind at ease? I'm really crapping myself to be honest.
Please let me know. Thanks