View Full Version : Can't eat/Swallow food..

03-08-09, 23:08
Hi everyone.
Since xmas my anxiety has been pretty up and down and ive lost over 2 stone down to 'lack of appetite' but within the last 10 weeks or so my anxiety has took a turn for the worst :(

I'm barely eating it's that bad.

On a god day i'm lucky if i eat half a tin of soup and maybe some ice cream, cereal or mashed potato.

I can no longer eat things like paster, chicken, burgers, anything hard really. as it feels as though my throats closing up, or that im chocking.

I'm not starting to get REALLY worried, and the worrying isn't helping the anxiety.

I've been back and forth to the doctors a million times, but no luck. They told me to blend my food - tried it, and the look just puts me off :(

Has this happened to anyone before? If so how did you overcome it?

(I'm not on any meds, as im to paranoid to take them/my doctor doesn't wana start me on them with only been 20 - i currently see a councilor for CBT, but i am waiting to hear from a physiologist, because the CBT isn't helping)


04-08-09, 00:07

I really feel for you. I have been where you are now and I know how worrying it is. As you say the worrying doesn't help with the anxiety but it is hard not to worry when you are struggling so much to eat anything. I also lost quite a lot of weight.

When I really couldn't eat anything solid I made sure I had a supply of the Complan shakes, Build Up Shakes and Soups. The Build Up ones (shakes and soups) include fibre so they are good to have particularly if you are not eating much in the way of solids. I would also try and at least eat a banana every day even if it took me an hour or so to eat it. Sometimes it did take a long time to get through the banana but I tried not to put pressure on myself and just take it easy and eat it as and when I could.

The Doctor also prescribed for me Fortisip drinks (like milkshakes) which really helped keep me going when I was at my worse.

I found that there were certain times (like late at night) I felt slightly better and could manage maybe half a soft and moist sandwich or a little mash potato. With it all I just tried to have something little and often and not to expect too much of myself and also take it slow and even put it away and go back to it later if necessary.

It is hard enough to eat when you have no appetite but if you also feel like you can't swallow/choking it is incredibly difficult and can be quite an ordeal. Something which I feel other people don't seem to understand.

Keep going with the things that you are like the mash, soup. Maybe try some fruit juice, bananas, and the Complan and Build ups. It's important to keep up your fluids as well.

It does get easier but you have to keep at it - little and often.

I am a lot better now than I was but I still have moments/days where it is difficult. I don't put any pressure on myself to finish things and I find that helps.

Take care,

cutebear x.

04-08-09, 02:15
Cutebear had all the excellent advice and I'm just here to say that you aren't alone.
At the moment I'm living on build up,slimfast,soup,yogurt and ice cream and I'm getting incredibly frustrated with it:mad: My doc and cpn are at a bit of a loss with me and think it's an eating disorder so I feel a bit stuck at the moment.

It really is just a process of building up gradually and I think,as Cutebear ssuggested, it's important to get some fruit. I've just started making smoothies for myself which I highly recommend if you really can't get fruit down.

Sorry I can't offer advice on overcoming it as I'm going through it myself. If you need someone to talk/rant to please do pm me.

Take care.

04-08-09, 12:35
Hi. Thanks both for your replies! :)

These shakes sound like a good idea, but my doctor says i have to blend my food. Its so hard, just the look of it makes me feel sick.

04-08-09, 12:52
hi i know how you are feeling im going through same thing as you even looking at food makes me feel sick and gag, i did a post about this yesterday also its horrible cos im hungry but i just get it down soup is about only thing that will go dow but ive read the advice to you on here and im gonig to get some complan see if that works if you ever need to talk feel free to pm me
