View Full Version : Positive thinking about seeing my Dr.

29-09-05, 10:24
I was going to see my Dr today but decide to go tomorrow this will be about the 4th time I tried to talk my Dr about how I'm feeling and I want to stay in positive frame of mind about talking to my Dr The late fue time i went i got there and then either got in and forgot what i want to talk about(which is kind of funny cause it was memory issues's that i also wanted to talk to him about:D) While I'm waiting the erg to run get worse and my heart beats fast ect.

Anyway thinking positive.........For each time I thought about going to talk to my Dr there was weeks off talking my self into it and lots of amxiety over talking to the Dr about my anxiety. I keep finding excuses as to why I shouldn't talk to my Dr and if i dont do it tomorrow I wont be able to talk to him for week's as after tomorrow my kids are on holiday's and getting a baby sitter is just to hard. I cant talk them with me and talk to my dr about what i want to talk about.

I hope I dont seem like I'm after attenstion but i have no one around me except my partner( who will be working tomorrow) that would come with me or support me in my choice to talk to my Dr about the way I feel. If I was too ask any of them for help or support thay would talk me out of it by telling me I'm being stupid or to get over it or to to just stop over reacting and the list go's on all negative conversation's or the best responce of all the silent pause followed by a topic change. Anyway since i'v been reading post's on the site I have read a lot of positive support and was hoping for some sort positive encoragement from people.

I'm sick of feeling the way I do, and I'm sick of making excuse's for not doing thing's I'm sick of feeling like I have no control over the roller coster emotion's that interfer with my life. If I'm to have a job(which I want) and my licence before I'm 30 (and I'm 28 next mth) then i need to do more that just work threw my anxiety by self.

I do wonder if I'm just making excues's for not doing more in my 28 year's of life so far I have 4 kids and a long term relationship but as far as being a part of the world around me I have achived very little and despite telling my self over and over that I need and want more out of life I cant get past the symptom's that arise when I try. Maybe asking for help is the easy way out or maybe not asking for help and hiding my self from the world is taking the easy way out I dont know I just feel like if i'n not arguing with my self then I'm sitting in silence trying to avoid a situation that will cause me to argu with myself.

I feel like I shouldn't be looking for attenstion like this but I dont know how els to keep from talking my self out of it. If I can feel better about going tomorrow maybe I can control the anxiety.

29-09-05, 10:46
Hi there,

First off asking for help is a good decision and its not the easy way out at all its a very brave decision and a good one at that, we dont have to stuggle through everything on our own. And there is no shame in asking for some help along the way.

I found it interesting what you said about when you have seen your doc before you have not spoken about what you wanted as if you had forgotton.. I think this is our brains way of running from things we dont want to deal with.. I get this alot when i see my psycologist - I know what i need to say but when i get there my mind has flipped on me and its all gone away. It is highly frustrating, sometimes she can be talking to me about something i dont wish to face and my mind will be flitting off desperate to think about anything else and i cant concentrate on a word she is saying.

I wish you the best of luck tomorrow and i think it is a good decision, like turning the light on at the end of the tunnel.

If you struggle to talk about the issues at the forefront of youre mind when you are sat with the doc, why not print out this post and take it with you. I think it explains how your feeling very well.

Good luck and let us know how it goes!


I used to have an open mind but my brain kept falling out...

29-09-05, 11:10
Hi mum,
By putting off going to see the Dr is just feeding the anxiety. Of course it doesn't sound like you want attention. Why not take a list with you to the DRs of all the things that you need to talk to him/her about?
I wish you all the best hun
S?peak soon

29-09-05, 11:13
Good luck with it Mum!! Let us know how you get on..:D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

29-09-05, 11:41
Thankyou so much for your positive message's.

29-09-05, 11:46
Hi Mum to 4

I agree you must go to the doc. I also put it off for ages and was so resistant to meds etc but when I finally got the courage to go it really helped. Make a list of all the things you need to discuss with the doc and take it along with you. Remember once you start addressing your anxiety, i.e. the first step is maybe going to the doc, you can start focusing on getting your licence etc.

Don't put yourself down. I am sure raising 4 kids is more stressful than any job!!

Good luck - you can do it!

29-09-05, 13:56

Glad you're deciding to go and discuss what help might be available.

This is not one bit attention seeking, it is seeking medical help just as you would for a hurt foot or an infection.

Do have a think through what you want from him and what points you really want to discuss and have those wriiten down and take a pencil so you can jot down your discussion in brief.

We'll be thinking of you.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

30-09-05, 07:02

I went to Dr today waiting to see my Dr wasn't fun at all but I managed to distract my self and not think too much. When i was call in and he asked me what i wanted to talk about I had no word's for while but I got there in the end. I have my nearly 1 year old with with who was having fun in the Dr office :D and doing a lot to distract me from the way i was feeling.

The Dr put me on 50mg of luvox and i have to go back in a week then he'll talk with me again and then talk about seeing a phycologist. Right now i'm just trying to focus on starting the medication he gave me and trying not to think much about talking about my self even thoe i know I need to talking will proberly help me get past this.

Once i was out of there I felt good that i went threw with telling my Dr but i still felt silly at the same time. I had a prety calm-easy day a psrt from the small nagging feeling of anxiety threw out most of the day. I didn't have a real bad erg to run/hide so it's was good day.

I've never been big on talking medication I hate even talking pain releif for headache's. I dont want to be like my mum with all her med's.

Thankyou for your message's it helped me to deal with thing just by thinking about the message's.


30-09-05, 07:16
Hey Alisa

Where is Aust. do you live? It's just I know a great anxiety treatment centre that will do wonders for you.

Seeking help is the best thing for you to have done. Congratulations!

30-09-05, 07:24
Thank you for your kind message.

I live in South Australia.


30-09-05, 13:19
*but I got there in the end* Well done for going and mission accomplished and even more pleased you had a good day.



Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

30-09-05, 18:03
Well done for getting there and talking to the doctor Mum2four. Glad you had a good day.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.