View Full Version : took 1st 20mg citalopram yesterday afternoon,want to start taking in mornings???

04-08-09, 09:27
i took my 1st citalopram yesterday 20mg afternoon 4ish but i want to start talking them in mornings so should i take one this morning or skip todays and start tomorrow?

04-08-09, 10:30
Hi donkaz
Any reason why you would want to do that? Are they making you feel nauseus and tired?

05-08-09, 11:14
yeah, skip a day then start taking in morning after breakfast as they're quite hard on the stomach for the first few days as they get into your system. Dont worry this will pass and is normal. I have an excellent dr who told me never to take them at night as it will cause havoc with your sleep. Hope this helps.

05-08-09, 13:02
I had insomnia for months before I took cit.After I had been taking them for a while this did improve ,I used to take them with my breakfast but found I felt so tired and fit for nothing in the afternoons .I changed to taking them at night before bed ,and once I drop off I ususally sleep soundly .I dont feel bad in the afternoons anymore either .We all react differently ,its just a case of finding what works for you . All the best Sue xx