View Full Version : I've hurt my neck - panicking

04-08-09, 11:38
Since yesterday my neck has been really painful, it's making me feel faint and i'm having panic attacks about it which could be a major factor in feeling faint.

I think it started because i was carrying some heavy bags upstairs, they had clothes in and books. I was carrying them on my right shoulder.

When i put them down, i felt a sharp pain in the back on my head on the right hand side, then in my neck.

Theres a possibility it went away after that, or it was mild.

Then yesterday evening i was layed and sat on the sofa reading magazines, i noticed the pain really bad from then. It's happend before when ive been reading magazines, probably because my neck is looking down.
Its never been this bad though of for this long.

I felt really faint so i layed down in bed which made it feel abit better.

Now its the next morning and it felt a little better when i got up (i sleep sitting up), but now i've been up a few hours its agony again, and ive got pain on the left side of my back too and the left side of my lower head, maybe unrelated as its only just started, i have bad posture when im on the computer, which has been all morning.

I'm really panicking, i cant go to the doctors because im really agoraphic and social phobic, im too scared to even ring them and i know nhs direct will just send me to hospital.

Any reassurance or advice would be fantastic?

thank you

04-08-09, 13:07
i you may have twisted tendon with lifting ,,try putting cold pack on neck as it will decrease any swelling eat will make it worse.. if you pull a tendon in neck ,,pain can spread to other areas dont worry if you get any worse ring nhs direct they will help you dont worry i was a nurse:hugs:

04-08-09, 13:21
Thank you so much, i was hoping a nurse or doctor would reply to this. So i shouldnt have to go to hospital?

Ive been putting a warm towel around my neck, will that be ok instead of an icepack?