View Full Version : Really tired-draining

29-09-05, 17:04
I feel tired all the time but sometimes it gets worse,it feels like all my energy is draining away and i feel really ill as though i'm on my deathbed.

anyone else feel like this?

29-09-05, 17:07
Hi Luke,

Yep fraid so, I get so worried sometimes that there is something really wrong with me coz even if i stay in all day then just a walk of ten mins seems to really tire me out.

I take vitamen B to try and help.

First Anxiety...then panic attacks...now GAD and depression...now working on a better future!

29-09-05, 19:45
Hi Luke

I know exactly how you feel, I suffered these feelings on and off for years.I felt that was the one symptom that know onereally understood. I couldnt function at all and like you felt like the life had been drained out of me it panicked me like mad which made it worse, as I started to get a little better I noticed it had gone down to once a week and now its just a feeling of being very tired which I can handle.
Keep doing the breathing and relaxation tapes and it will get better

Barb xxx

29-09-05, 20:50
Yes I am like that all the time, whilst I am on the go, I am fine but as soon as i sit down, I can fall asleep, its all to do with the anxiety.
Take care
Trac xx

its "just a thought"

29-09-05, 21:45
I have this as well. Being anxious really takes it out of you, doesn't it? This is normal so don't worry..:D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

Sue K with 5
29-09-05, 22:30
Hi ya

I can give you a classic example, I woke up this morning at 11.45 I went to bed eventually at 3.30 I then went back to sleep at 6 this afternoon until 7.30, its anxiety, it can leave you feeling like there are not enough sleep hours during the day, but is the bodies way of keeping us relaxed, so go with the flow, sleep if you need to, its a repair mechanism, another solution which I do try sometimes is to exercise, sounds daft but that works as well

Sue with 5
