View Full Version : Will this ever get better

anx mum
04-08-09, 15:33
Feel so up and down at mo one minute ok the next a total mess with anxiety and panic, Starting too thing this will b with me forever and the thought of that scares me. Dont know what 2 do anymore tried everything councilling, relaxion cds, meds, having hypnotherapy at mo costing alot of money not sure if its doing anything:weep:

04-08-09, 15:56
Hey Hun,

I feel exactly the same at the moment! Feel like im back to square one with stuff.... cant see past all the bad stuffs....

everyone on here has been great though :)

04-08-09, 15:57
sorry your not feeling good bev you have my number if ever need me


anx mum
04-08-09, 16:32
Thanx for ur support x

Lion King
04-08-09, 18:00
Hi anxmum,

Hope you start to feel better soon! You sound like you need a big rest from everything to start settling your mind. Time out is what I used, plenty of rest, relaxation and massage. Start with that then tackle the triggers of anxiety that affect you, just write them in a journal and check for patterns occurring. When the patterns occur, you can start to analyse what situation or thought process that led to the anx. Sometimes when you write these out it can give you the oppurtunity to look at them from an alternate perspective, ask yourself questions like "what would happen if changed my approach to gain a different outcome!". The new way of thinking may not work initially but it gives you the oppurtunity of thinking of different ways of tackling these issues!

Hope this advice works, sometimes our thinking can become muddy but its just a matter of clearing the water.

Take Care


05-08-09, 08:57
Hey Anxmum,

I think every1 on this forum can relate to how your feeling at some stage....but don't give up & decide to stay depressed....

there's a law of nature that when your at your very lowest & feeling like you can't go on....

triggers a change and almost suddenly things get alot better:D
things that have really helped me....
the book :- 'self help for your nerves' by dr Claire weeks

you'll see by her book reviews that her advise here is invaluable!
....whenever i'm feeling like a pressure cooker ready to explode/panic i remind myself to re-read portions of her book...true acceptance of ourselfs & floating by our anguish technique is by far the most calming advise

Go Jogging/dancing/arobics/spinning classes....yes i kno the last thing you feel like doing when your hyperventilating...but it uses up your excess adrenaline & definately helps alot

get some good joke books/comedy films eg. the pink panther, mr bean, laurel & hardy... and laugh:yesyes: ,laugh:roflmao: , laugh:D ...then look at the funny side of your behaviour/anxiety/panic attacks....and then laugh:roflmao: , paint it up all bright colours in your imagination, add clown costumes to it, add farsical background music..yes you get the picture:yesyes:

but don't give up and remain depressed/anxious...in the multitde of councellors there is success

...along with knowing you are not alone with your anxiety/panic attacks (allthough they belong to you & you are ultimately in charge of you)...we are all hear with you:)

love & huggs

07-08-09, 00:53
It will get better as time moves on. Hang in there and think of all the things in life that bring you joy. Things that you love. Concentrate on those things that mean the most to you when times get hard. After all we are all here to help and support you and want the best for you.

A good joke every once in a while can help too.
I went to see my counselor the other day and I was thinking of all the things that were on my mind while driving on the road.. and suddenly I started to laugh. It was just so funny what I was concerned over and I laughed some more. Then I kept laughing and it felt good. So call a friend, talk to them and say something that will get you both laughing.

Laughter is the best medicine.

07-08-09, 08:25
You need to focus on something other than whats making you rather anxious.
You should also take some time out and relax completely forgetting whatever is making you anxious.

19-08-09, 17:50
i know exactly how u are feeling, i have days where i just feel like ive given up on ever having a life without panic, i am taking all sorts of meds and im sure they haven't helped me at all, i feel at my wits end with it all 2 be honest, i would give everything i own and then some 2 be able 2 life a life without panic, it's part of my life i want so badly 2 eradicate but we must all try 2 think positively:D hope u feel better soonxx