View Full Version : don't know whats going on

frogs are evil
04-08-09, 15:35
ok so i m coming off citalopram onto proxetine so i m taking 10mg of cital and 20mg of pro for the 1st 2weeks.

yesterday i had a really bad day i m putting it down to the fact my mum was in hosiptal all day getting a new pace maker so i was worried and upset

todays not as bad. i haven't cried at all today but i still have this horrible feeling in my stomach its hard to say what it feels like but its always there never seems to go away,i m also feeling a bit down not so down i m crying and i have suicide thoughs but keep feeling down and last off i have this pain in my penis when i go to toilet i m not sure if its linked to my stomach or not

i m putting the feeling down due to the fact that i m coming off one drug and going onto another which could take 2 weeks to get into my system and its only day 4

04-08-09, 16:39
hi it prob is the stress of your mum having a pacemaker my dad had one not so long ago and its an awful feeling it def does make anxiety worse my dad is 82 and is fine after it im sure your mum will be ok aswell xx

04-08-09, 20:19
You are bound to feel more anxious worrying about your Mum ,Im sure by now you will be assured she is ok .You might have a urine infection that could explain the pain you are experiencing ,it could also be one of the casues of the funny feeling ,possibly in your bladder .A urine test will show this up ,and is easily treated ,If its not that at least you know its the anxiety you are having right now .Hope you r Mum recovers soon ,that will relieve you from some of the anxiety until your Meds start working .Take care .Hope you feel better soon Sue x:hugs:

04-08-09, 22:15
when I get upset my tummy gets tight,
maybe it could also be IBS?
but I do think it's stress related.
sorry to hear your going through a rough time x