View Full Version : Head Injuries

04-08-09, 19:17
I've hurt my head twice since about 10:30 last night (not even enough to leave a bump, I should add - basically been hit (jokingly, but quite hard) in the same spot twice - once last night and once about three hours ago) but I'm sitting here getting worried now, how will I know what's anxiety and what's a head injury? I've got a slight headache (nothing different to what I normally feel - ie a heavy, stuffed up feeling) and I feel a bit sicky (but then I've eaten a 250g bar of chocolate this afternoon).. My anx levels are up because I'm getting exam results tommorow :scared11: but how can I tell if I should get medical advice tonight? I don't want tonight to be a repeat of last night (I got so bad I phoned Samaritans to get help to calm down), please help?

04-08-09, 19:24
You have to hit your head pretty hard for it to need medical attention.

I have done it loads and it has been fine.

We can't really know how bad it is though so call NHS direct and they will ask you a series of questions as they know more about it.

I am guessing you are stressed and anxious about tomorrow though.