View Full Version : Allergy/Sinus?

04-08-09, 20:41
I have had mild chronic sinusitis in the past. A scan in September showed mild to moderate sinusitis which my GP said was pretty normal, most of us aparently have it. Then 2 months ago I had a scan again and the outcome was 'no significant abnormalities' which I guess means i am ok now? my GP said it did say there was an improvement from the previous scan.

I started 3 weeks ago with a feeling of fluid in my ear, saw GP who said the noise was from infront of my ear when I chew so it is TMJ related. Since then though I have other problems. I am suffering from a thickness in my throat, always having to clear my voice which makes it abit croaky and blocked nostrils, which keeps changing sides. One minute my left is blocked up, then its my right:mad:

Could this be an allergy? ENT and GP always say as it jumps sides its not sinusitis and I would have a fever and green snot from my nose if it were infected. I don't have anything like that, I just keep getting the nostrils blocking up and a thick throat. I don't have a cold or anything and when I rinse my nostrils nothing comes out in the solution.

Me being me I am worrying about it all. I use the steroid spray that I have been taking for months, but Im paranoid its sinusitis issues all over again but I get nowhere with GP or ENT, they both just send me away saying as ive no fever or green from my nose and ive had scans I shouldn't worry, but why am I suffering like this? ENT said last year it was probably allergy related but I have no idea what too.

Surely the nose blocking up isn't an allergy symptom? wouldn't it be coughing, wheezing, itching, watery eyes and sneezing?

I have dogs, one being a new puppy that we got very recently.

Any help appreciated as I don't want my meningitis and sinusitis fear to take over me again:weep: feeling rather fed up of this. I was fine on holiday in Spain 3 weeks ago and now this has all come on me.:blush:

04-08-09, 21:02
I am sat here sobbing:-( the side I am blocked up tonight I have the odd shooting pain across my head on that side.

I am fed up of suffering like this and being told it's nothing serious and to just live with it:-(

04-08-09, 21:07
Are you sure it isn't hayfever?

04-08-09, 21:09
not sure ive these symptoms too but i feel naseus and get nosebleeds too

04-08-09, 21:11
Yes I do have mild hayfever but the pollen count is low?

I was jsut reading up allergic rhinitis and it said the symptoms were sneezing and blocked nostrils. I don't sneeze or anything? I did last week a few times or just felt like a tickle up my nose, but not had that this week really at all.

It is jsut getting me down and my GP and ENT just roll their eyes when I come to see them with my problems, but this has recently flared up again.

04-08-09, 21:13
Well I was awake from 3am last night till 6am with a blocked nose and runny nose and that was hayfever I am sure. I didn't sneeze though.

Try some antihistamines to see if they help.

04-08-09, 21:17
I have recently started taking an antihistamine but so far no relief.

I am worrying myself about it so much now:-(

04-08-09, 21:25
Don't worry about it - I suffer most days the same.

Also try one of those inhaler things with hot water and some olbas oil.

04-08-09, 21:28
Thanks Nicola,

Just all my old fears of sinusitis leading to meningitis rear their ugly head:-( not nice.

Surely though id have green mucus and a fever if I had an active infection?

04-08-09, 21:31
Oh I have never heard that one lol.

Yes green usually means infection so if clear then it is most likely hayfever or an allergy.

04-08-09, 21:33
I have no green or fever, I just keep getting a clogged up nostril, which changes sides and feeling croaky.

Everything I have read about rhinitis says sneezing but I am not going around sneezing all of the time, I was a tad last week but that has stopped.

I got my new puppy last Saturday, praying it isn't anything to do with her.

04-08-09, 21:36
Well as I said I am not sneezing but all blocked up and runny nose and was blowing it last night for hours on end. Gone today so must be an allergy.

There are also some colds going round too.

I used to be allergic to my cats and was very bad until I got used to them.

04-08-09, 21:45
I just thought allergies would cause classic symptoms such as sneezing and itching, not just a clogged nose.

04-08-09, 21:49
Not always no. Like I said I have hayfever which is an allergy and I haven't sneezed once!

04-08-09, 21:50
i get sneezes but no running eyes or cough

04-08-09, 21:57
ENT have said up my nose looks allergic in the past.


04-08-09, 21:59
ok so maybe just an allergy then. Loads of us get them - I am allergic to animal hair, dust, feathers etc.

04-08-09, 22:07
yeah i have the same symptoms,

i even rehomed my dogs thinking it was them and it wasn't.

So i've just accepted i'm allergic to something and not quite sure what it is yet.

I may sneeze occasionally but not often, its the shifting of the blocked nose that i am struggling with, but i accept its just one of those things.

so i know where you are coming from

best wishes

di xx

04-08-09, 22:23
Hi Di,

So does your nose clog up but only 1 nostril at a time? do you have any other symptoms with it?

I bought a new puppy over a week ago and that is when I noticed the post nasal drip, croaky voice and blocked nostrils but I have been suffering with sinuses on and off for a few years now.

04-08-09, 22:38
Has doc given you something for the post nasal drip - they gave me something but it didn't really help as I don't really have one so it didn't help.

04-08-09, 22:54
No, I am seeing him Thursday.

05-08-09, 15:20
Went to gp today, ive swine flu??

14-08-09, 09:35
i read your tread about nose my head is so blocked making me feel light headed and dizzy would this be normal