View Full Version : Stiff neck and shoulders

04-08-09, 22:56
How likely is chronic (and I mean CHRONIC) neck and shoulder stiffness due to anxiety and depression ? I think I suffer from GAD and am often depressed. Over the last 2 weeks my neck and shoulders have been so stiff it feels like someone has pushed my head down in to my body. I feel sick from it and Neurofen wont seem to help. I have a headache, numb pains on my arms, and when I lie with my head turned to the left on my pillow then I instantly feel pins and needles in my right hand.

Although things have only been this bad in the last couple of weeks I have suffered from a stiff neck for years. I went for an MRI the other month and it came back clear, other than thoracic scoliosis, but the radiologist said it shouldn't be causing me any problems.

So all I can think of is my anxiety and stress. I don't know what to do about it though or what medication to take. It gives me a headache and feels really stiff and uncomfortable beyond belief. It is not pain, thankfully, but it might as well be as it is stopping me doing anything.

Any advice ? Should I see a ciropractor or some other doctor ? My own GP says as the scan doesn't show anything there is not much she can do considering I saw a rhumatologist a year back and was told I am fine.

I am a bit in a catch 22 situation with my pillows. The lower they are the more pins and needles and dizziness I feel, but if I make them higher then I am sure it must make my neck stiffer, unless I am mistaken.

Any advice appreciated !!

04-08-09, 23:20
what about a memory foam pillow? or one of those pillows that support your neck better?
am maybe try acupuncture or a nice massage.
I like those massage things that home-medics do, I don't own one but I'd really like one, you can gets ones that massage all your back and your neck.
i get tight shoulder muscles alot. I thinks its mainly anxiety for me anyway.
maybe fish oils might help or some kind of herb,