View Full Version : how do i see a psychiatrist?

Piscian Daydreamer
29-09-05, 20:51
Medication isn't working, and i think i need professional help.

Can someone please tell me how i would go about getting a psychiatrist or therapist to help me? Would they let me have one for free on the NHS or would i have to pay? I am a student so have little money to spend on stuff like this.

I honestly feel like i am going insane, day by day.

29-09-05, 20:56
I was referred for all my courses and therapists by my doctor, have you spoken with your doctor about this at all?
Take care
Trac xx

its "just a thought"

kate H
29-09-05, 20:59

Glad you asked that question because I have been wondering if I can get it ont he NHS to.

I have a friend who was refered by her doctor and she didnt have to pay. I thin kif you are refered then its free but if you decise you want to go off your own back you have to pay.

However I might be wrong

.......Is your past barging in on your future? Make a better 2morrow 2day.......

29-09-05, 21:00
You need to be referred by your doctor to get it on the NHS.

You probably want to ask for CBT.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

29-09-05, 21:46
Your doctor will refer you. Be warned there will be a waiting list..:D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

Sue K with 5
29-09-05, 22:19
Just a suggestion,

I saw my psychiatrist through my CPN which I received an urgent referral for from my GP, once you have a CPN getting to see one can be pretty quick, normal wiating list times vary from 3 - 6 months.

Requesting an urgent referral can be done, but a CPN (Community Psychiatric Nurse can get you in through the door a lot quicker!

Also try ringing your |mental Health team within you local NHS for advise and guidance

Take care and good luck

Sue with 5


30-09-05, 16:18
I was referred to a pyschiatrist by my gp, then the pyschiatrist referred me on for CBT.

I have seen the pyschiatrist only twice. Once for initial assessment, then he referred me for CBT, then a week later to see how things were, then I am due to see him for a third time is a couple of weeks (4 weeks since 2nd appt) and then he says that will be it, but will continue with CBT for some time.

Everyone has different needs, but CBT is going well for me.

Good Luck

Elaine xx :D:D