View Full Version : Old Amalgam Fillings... So freaking confused and scared

05-08-09, 06:14
So I have a couple large and really old (17 years) amalgam (mercury composite) fillings. After reading all the recent news about them causing mercury poisoning, I went to the dentist (for the first time in a long while). She told me that they don't use mercury fillings at that office and that they remove them (esp as old and worn out as mine are) because of "potential health issues".

Commence to panic.

So we scheduled my cleaning for 2 weeks later, my fillings replaces for 2 and 4 (doing them in sections because of expense) weeks after that, a few new fillings put in, and a wisdom tooth pulled lastly (fun, I know).

Ok, great, I'll just have the amalgam fillings removed, end of story, right? WRONG. I've been reading up on it, and a lot of websites say that removal can cause even more mercury to leach into the bloodstream potentially causing severe health problems for MONTHS and possibly long term effects. They all talk about the mercury vapor. My dentist said they use high-force suction to remove them and take "all recommended precautions". But, now I'm just freaking terrified.

Have they poisoned me so much already that I'm brain damaged or doomed for cancer? When I have them removed will I feel sick for months on end or maybe get cancer from it down the road?

I even read horror stories from people who got them removed and said they got "worse".. but that they were already suffering from them. Unfortunately most of the symptoms listed are things like:

Anxiety, Depression, Irritability, Short term memory problems, Insomnia, Lack of concentration...

As you can see, these are all VERY similar to anxiety related symptoms. I have all of those, but..... which is causing it?

*sigh* I just don't know what to think anymore. I wish I never got them in the first place, but I was a kid, I didn't really have a say in the matter.

05-08-09, 16:02

I completely understand your concern. I had 6 old mercury fillings removed this past year. Mine were 30 years old. Like you, I was very concerned. I have heard all the stories about getting sick from removing them. Here is what I did:

Make sure your dentist uses a rubber dam.
Make sure they use high speed suction.
Have an oxygen cap on your nose.

I had 2 removed at a time, waited a couple of weeks in between. One time my dentist couldn't get the rubber dam to stay on, she tried and tried, but it kept coming off, so I did have 2 removed without it. If they put the little oxygen cap on your nose, this will let you breathe pure oxygen and will help to keep you from breathing the mercury vapors. They can also give you nitrous oxide through it if you need it.

I also researched on the web and did take some supplements before hand. I know vitamin C is good, I also took some charcoal tablets right before and right after.

I haven't gotten sick or anything. SO MANY people have these fillings in their mouths. Don't worry that they have affected you. If they need to be removed, then just make sure they let you breathe oxygen and this way you can breathe through your nose during the procedure.

Feel free to ask me anything else. You will be fine.


05-08-09, 19:55
I've been reading up on it, and a lot of websites say that removal can cause even more mercury to leach into the bloodstream potentially causing severe health problems for MONTHS and possibly long term effects.
Key words here. Can, potentially, possibly.

Web sites are like the disclaimers on side effects on medicines. They're there either to cover themselves or on the less responsible sites purely to emphasise the negatives for dramatic purpose.

So many people have these fillings and have had them removed/replaced without any problem.

I had one that just fell out years ago when my tooth cracked, and another was removed when it was split but I forget what the dentist did to remove it. Both with no ill effects. Just had them replaced with white fillings.