View Full Version : the dragon slayer...it crept up behind me!

05-08-09, 07:57
right! anxitety is so sneaky! yesterday i had a headache all day which was fine got on with things...was just a headache i told my self... then last night we went to a friends house for tea i took 2 asprin b4 we left but on the way there(11 miles) i started thinking !!! what if this time the headache really is something worse... now i know from years of experience what panic is and how it feels and how it starts! but this time it crept up behind me i wanted to run away home felt dizzy like i was not there! shaky, jelly legs,fast heartbeat , about to pass out.... then suddenly it dawned on me PANIC ATTACK so i didn run and didn hide i stuck it out and slayed the beast! anxiety trys to get u from all sides when u least expect it but dont give up never give up they are our demons we made them and we can beat them:yesyes:

05-08-09, 10:26
supposed to be going on a picnic today with my boyfriend and little girl the anxiety is growin.... the ocd wants me to stay home and clean... the headache is starting! wish me luck!!! am takin the anxiety with me.... and if i die or somthing really bad happens then so be it! my daughter deserves to have fun even if it kills me!!!!!

05-08-09, 11:01
I can assure you it wont kill you :winks:

Have a lovely time :D


05-08-09, 13:10
Show it whos boss :yesyes: dont let it stop you or your daughter from having a lovely time .Enjoy yourselves and have a lovely day .Luv Sue:hugs: x

05-08-09, 16:07
I always belive that we can cope if we have to.
you did very well ! :-)

05-08-09, 16:37
THANK U EVERYONE! its been a lovely day even been in the water!(ocd dirt etc) my little girl had a great time am very happy at last a happy memory :)xxxxxx

06-08-09, 07:22
Fantastic, so glad you enjoyed it :D
