View Full Version : Newbie

05-08-09, 08:31
Hi I have been browsing the forum for the past few months and have decided now is a good time to join.

I am suffering from daily panic attacks and have never in my life experienced anything so terrifying. Three months ago I collapsed in the street with my two young children. When I came to an ambulance had been called and my kids were hysterical. I have a severe hospital phobia so the appearanceof the ambulance just freaked me out further.

I was taken in to hospital where they said my heart was racing too fast and they needed to discover why. Six hours later and several blood tests later I was sent home and told I would be contacted to come in for a 24 hour tape. This totally freaked me out. They also told me to avoid being on my own as it was likely to happen again. After two weeks of being babysat by a variety of friends/relatives I got my tape. Whilst waiting for the results I also had an appointment with a Cardiologist who assured me everything was fine but I just couldn't believe him. I then received a call from my GP asking me to go in urgently as my tape had shown abnormalities.

The GP talked through the results and said I had episodes of racing heart that needed to be controlled by medication. He prescribed propanol and I have to say my life went from bad to worse. I felt as if I couldn't breathe and everyone just kept saying don't worry it's anxiety - turns out the GP hadn't read my notes carefully and as an asthmatic I shouldn't have been prescribed the drug.

All of this has resulted in me constantly worrying about my health. I worry about my heart, my breathing, will I die, will I collapse and what will happen.

I lost my brother in 2000 and in 2006 a colleague died in front of me in a meetingof a heart attack. We triedto resusitate him but without sucess. I spend every secondof every day in fear unable to enjoy anything.

I have tried Hypnotherapy, I am trying accupuncture and chinese medicine, I carry rescue remedy and try to ban negative thoughts but its impossible. The GP has prescribed anti-depressants but I am so scared of taking them. I have been referred for CBT but have been told I may face a 12 month wait.

I can't cope I spend my life worrying and crying. I have to look after my kids but I am scared of being alone. I'm scared of everything.

Sorry for the epic introduction

magpie girl
05-08-09, 13:32
hi nooniegirl,and welcome. Alot of people on the forum suffer from panic and anxiety so you are not alone.they are really a friendly bunch with lots of helpful advice:D

05-08-09, 13:38
Hi, I'm new also, joined today. Am a fellow anxiety sufferer. I've also been browsing this site for last couple of months and it has really helped. I have a couple of good friends who I've told and as great as they are, they've never suffered from anxiety so I think they find it hard to understand, also it's really hard to explain it all to someone who has never suffered.