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05-08-09, 16:53
Been to my GP roday and he has diagnosed swine flu. I thought i had sinusitis. Gp said as ive no facial pain it isnt sinus related?is that right? Ive also no green from nose, just clear but was abit yellow this morning.

Ive a temp, it was 37.8 at the gp, my usual temp is 36.7. Id had paracetamol an hour before that. Very blocked up nose, headache, slight ache in knees and arms but mainly feel weak, gunky throat and generally tired out.

Ive no cough or sore throat so can it be swine flu?worrying that its sinusitis and its being left untreated:(

id felt abit snotty and blocked up over the last week at times but at 4am this morning i woke up feeling worse.


05-08-09, 17:11

Try to get lots of rest and i hope you feel better soon


05-08-09, 17:21
Thanks Lisa,

Just worrying he has it wrong. Surely I can't have swine flu if im not coughing or sore throat?

05-08-09, 17:24

Remember there are different strains of this like all flu's and you probably have a mild case compared to some.

Try and ride it out and i am sure you will be just fine
Take care

05-08-09, 17:37
Thanks Lisa, the GP did say that.

05-08-09, 17:41
When I blow my nose its abit yellow now, not all clear like yesterday:-( worrying it is sinusitis now.

claire m
05-08-09, 21:22
hi aimee i have had sinusitis and i had terrible facial pain, try having a steam bath. what i do is put a dish of boiling water (sometimes i add some vapour rub) and put a towel over your head and inhale the steam. it should help clear your head a bit and let you give your nose a big blow.
take care and try sleeping propped up xx.

05-08-09, 22:23

My nose is just so clogged up, not getting much relieft from steaming unfortunatly.

I dont have any facial pain.

06-08-09, 10:46
This morning I blew out alot of orange??? snot from my nose after steaming and after doing a sinus rinse I blew out some yellow and green. Also had some chest pain:-(

I feel awful.

06-08-09, 13:10
im just trying to pull myself up from having swine flu,,,it is worrying but you do get through it,,,im still getting tired,but i,m starting to have better days,now my 22 year old sons going through it,,his seems worse than mine,,,but i think thats because i rested well,,and he tryed to keep doing things as normal,if i was you id get a good book,,some fruit, plenty of fluids and rest loads,,get well soon:hugs:

06-08-09, 16:10
Thanks Tee:)

Glad you are getting over it, I am feeling much better this afternoon, the lemsips rock!

07-10-09, 19:47
Hi Aimee! You cold also try the netty pot.. i have sinus problem all the time it really help me... but i you totally block don't do it cause i could get more infected.. i would suggest to eat garlic, crush it let it stand for 15 min and then swallow it! Garlic is very good to boost your immune system!

Also what you can do with the garlic is once you crush it and has stay for at least 15 min on your conter, put it on a napkin boil some water and put it over the boiling water and inhale it by your nose make sure you take deep breath so it pass through your nasal system and your lung its very good to clean infection you can do this several time a day...let me know how you fell!!!

18-10-09, 16:01
Ive had sinusitis also and steaming really helps. I also had really bad facial pain thought my head was going to pop.

Get well soon

26-10-09, 17:26
Ih Irishguy!!!
Same here.. sometime when i am very congested my neck also hurts..i guess its all related..!!!
I am not sure but i don't think that because i have allergies that i am high risk for the flu!!!!
are you getting the flu shot.. they are giving it right now in Canada.. but only for people at risk!