View Full Version : Caffeine

Badly Drawn Boy
05-08-09, 18:56
Hello everyone.

Not sure if anyone remembers me here, was on here a lot over Christmas with anxiety problems, early this year my anxiety started to get better without medication, not perfect but was bare-able.

Recently i've become more stressed and feeling down so I started to take Citalopram (only on day 4) woke up this morning not wanting to leave the house, so i've been house bound all day today. I know things get worse on medication before it get's better so i'm gonna try and stick at it.

Was curious to know if any other people with anxiety problems use caffeine to help? (eg Red Bull and Coffee)

I've noticed it helps me a lot, it calms me down and im more positive.

Hope your all doing well.

05-08-09, 19:03
Hi and :welcome: back.

Red bull is an anxiety sufferers worst nightmare - please avoid at all costs.

It is loaded with caffeine which is not good for anxiety and panic sufferers.

Seriously try and ditch it.

Badly Drawn Boy
05-08-09, 19:09
Hi Nicola thanks for the reply.

I have one Red Bull a day on average, if it goes the right way it makes me less worried.
Is it bad for the long term suffering from anxiety?

05-08-09, 20:16
I have to watch my caffine intake. It causes me panic attacks.
Once I had a pro-plus - never again!!

05-08-09, 20:36
Its obvious coffeine causes pulse to rise and is generally not good for anxiety sufferers. But I myself feel it calms me down, especially the aroma, just because subconciously I associate it with good, comforting, relaxing things. Everything seems a bit brighter when you pour yourself a cup of hot coffee :)
And cause within the past few years I had to stop smoking, drinking, partying etc so this is the only "not good for myself-thing I still do, I really dont want to stop..
Hang in there with Cipra, will get better soon!!!!!!! just count the days, youre everyday getting better even though doesnt really feel like it yet. Soon will!

06-08-09, 11:42
And cause within the past few years I had to stop smoking, drinking, partying etc so this is the only "not good for myself-thing I still do, I really dont want to stop..Evita

Hi Evita...I find that my anxiety levels are heightened after a cigarette, a drink and after a heavy night...why is this??


Liss :yahoo:

06-08-09, 12:16
Caffeine is a definate NO for me - gives me really bad panic, stomach pain and bloating. I find that it's even worse if I'm taking antidepressants too :weep:

magpie girl
06-08-09, 14:23
caffine can trgger my anxiety so i try to limit myself with normal tea and drink d-caf coffee.Redbull is one of the worst offenders for making your heart race and i think its every anxious persons nightmare.I would steer clear of drinks high in caffine if you want to see an improvement in your anxiety:)

Badly Drawn Boy
06-08-09, 14:46
Thanks for the replies everyone.

Will now try and cut down on my caffeine!

06-08-09, 21:14
Hi Liss- im actually just reading about a new scientific research that a well known scandinavian psychiatrist is 'preaching about'. The gist of it is that when we stress, smoke, drink too much or eat not healthy food the inflammation 'particles' in (sytokiini in Finnish..)our bodies rise. This then causes the cortisol levels to rise and that is one part that they believe is strongly involved in anxiety disorders and depression. Meaning that it is not just 'healthy' to exercise and stop smoking etc but it shoul be vital in order to let your body heal. Im sort of non-exercising ex smoker so ive had hard time convincing myself that these are the necessary steps, but now that i have sirt of resl evidence based on scientific research i am beginning to believe :)
btw accirding to this one drink a say is good, but i stopped cause couldnt handle hangover anymore. I also couldnt stand feeling fuzzy or unreal cause tried to get rid of it during daytime.

07-08-09, 04:34
Caffeine is definitely is a trigger for me, mainly because it causes some PVCs and those make me anxious thinking about them. I'll have a coffee now and then if I'm feeling really relaxed.

I also smoke (I've quit so many times, I've lost count), and sometimes it makes my anxiety worse because of the increased heart rate after smoking, sometimes not.

Both depend on my existing state of anxiety as to wether they make things worse.