View Full Version : Hello! im a newbie...

05-08-09, 18:59
well im finally trying to admit to myself that i need to get some help... or at least talk to people who might be going through the same stuff as me...im 18 yrs old and i feel like everyone i talk to just says "your too young to have anxiety issues" which makes me think im crazy.

i first experienced anxiety about a year or so ago..not sure but at the time i was in my first serious relationship....the anxiety was mainly because i was afraid he would go back into doing drugs like he was doing before me...that one the first time i lost control of my life and did some bad things a couple times...we were together for 1 year and a half and he turned into the person i guess i was afraid he would...did all the bad things again...he left me twice...and cheated and put my self esteem down...alot of my anxiety was gone after we broke up...but i still had some here and there....its been 5 months since we havent been together and ive found a guy who is everything ive ever wanted...he even was the guy that caused me doubts in my first relationship.

Anxiety crept up again...and im having it REALLy bad...i get anxiety when im not having anxiety...when i have it i try and find reason for it...main one is ...what if not over my ex..or what if i dont really like this guy...i started getting the thoughts after i listened to a song and thought of my ex...since he did hurt me alot...and ever since then i freaked out about why i was thinking about my ex at all and started thinking maybe it was cause i wasnt over him...i even went so far into thinking how horrible it would be if i thought of my ex as i kissed my new boyfriend so i would fear that SOOO much that i actual did think of him....ive just been in fear of having thoughts...so i broke up with the new amazing guy two days ago....and im miserable...i still have anxiety(which i thought would stop like before)...i get thoughts like "what if ill end up going back to my first ex boyfriend and get caught up again in that bad stuff...idk i just need someone to let me know if this is anxiety or if im truly just needing time alone and it'll all go away(which i doubt).

also when i first had my anxiety experience i went to the doctor and she told me i was depressed and but me on a low dose of celexa...idk if i was depressed or just couldnt handle my thoughts...SOMEONE HELP PLEASE!!!