View Full Version : lumps in neck, freaking out

05-08-09, 19:07
Hi about 2 days ago i have found 2 tiny lumps and 1 a little bit bigger in the left side of my neck, my ear is also a bit tender, i am freaking right out incase its cancer or something as my chest is a bit tight, they are hurting but im not sure if thats down to me prodding themm, please help :/ xx

06-08-09, 05:07
I had a lymph node scare a few years ago. They seemed really large to me, so I went to my doctor. He poked, prodded and rubbed around and said that some people have big lymph nodes and I am one of them (my right one is large)! Absolutely nothing wrong. It's always a good idea to get them checked out if they are worrysome. Mine became a bit tender from feeling them all the time as well.

06-08-09, 06:35
ive had a big lump on my neck for many years now its a cyst aparantly there very common on your neck ive had it checked numerous times cos i also thought it was cancer yours could be the same thing

06-08-09, 10:35
hey i have the same problem- i found a lymph node on the lower right side of my neck and have been worrying that its something bad, and keep poking prodding it! Not sure if its supposed to be felt so easily :S

06-08-09, 10:43
can i add mine moves about but i do have a glnd at the back of neck that doesnt smetimes lumps glands appear when we are stressed or anxious

06-08-09, 18:23
I found two lumps a while ago just under my ear, one big and one slightly smaller, I was really scared as to what they could be and went to the doctors and they said it was just a gland that had been scared which is common but some don't go away, mine has still not gone away but I know that it is not cancerous or dangerous so I just pretend it's not there any more.

Hope this helped :)
